Old Arizona mine turned into cannabis cultivation facility

Welcome to a cannabis nursery. It’s hot and humid, just like the baby pot plants like it, and it’s guarded by loving gardeners every …


  1. Reality is this: telepathy (love) VS authoritarianism (fear). Focus on telepathy (love) at all times. This is anti-authoritarianism. Authoritarianism is both selfishness and lying (head games). Love is both honesty and respect (telepathy). An individual can only chose telepathy or authoritarianism. All of the authoritarians (conservatives, Christians, violent men, support for violence) are cowardly, so they look for an IMAGE of strength (bullying). REAL strength is fearlessness over telepathy. Image conscious individuals stay with authoritarianism because they are too afraid to do the right thing socially, and / or stick up for people doing the right thing socially. All strong individuals are both independent and focused on telepathy. Weaker minds group together, share fear, and bash stronger individuals socially. No one is really an introvert or an extrovert. Independent minds (those that express honesty at all times in all ways) appear introverted. They avoid conflict and drama socially. They reject fear shared by others. Conformist minds (those that lie socially to fit in and judge kindness and honesty in others) group together and share fear for an IMAGE of social strength mentally as individuals. Some people think thoughts of love, stay independent, and watch others socially. Others think thoughts of fear, let their minds race, and group together because they are afraid of being attacked socially. These individuals attack others for social independence (those that express more honesty – which is NO SUPPORT for human violence). This is exactly what is happening in society. CONFORMITY is the refusal to grow psychic out of fear, which drives the mind angry (mentally ill).

    When men give attention to those that they know are nothing like them in the mind, and the other person is avoidant, they are sharing jealousy, lying, and resentment. They want others to feel unfriendly while they smile. The idea will never work. They act this way so that other people will judge them socially so they can get โ€œpowerโ€, which isnโ€™t real at all. When people lie about what they are on the inside and focus on acting skills and head games, it creates anger (judgement) in others. It gives some personalities a false sense of โ€œpowerโ€. When people share the same ideas mentally, and they are kind, then smiling (joy) is authentic. Everything else is forced acting, which is awkward, stressful, and strange. Love (honesty and respect) is the only TRUE version of reality. Love is telepathy.

    Christian men are being trained to hate on women since childhood. Christian dads set a poor example for all youth with violence and machismo. They hate their daughters especially. They train their sons to bully. Itโ€™s time for this BS head game (materialistic, shallow indifference and anger) to end for good.


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