Seen & Unseen: Snoop Dogg launches ‘Sleepy Joe’ cannabis brand

Fox News’ Raymond Arroyo has the latest on Pride month celebrations winding down, Snoop Dogg’s new line of cannabis and …


  1. I love Laura's show but really…. can any of us really give a flip about anything that this poor excuse for a human being thinks or says at this point…Bidement mindless dribble?

  2. Has it occurred to anyone that this sickening push towards grooming and genital mutilation is yet another way,"THEY" want to decrease the population? Basically sterilizing young people and causing gender confusion?Just a thought?🤔

  3. Remember 2021 inauguration – "The Adults are back in charge" – "The Adults are in the room" . . . seems more like wild teens and un-disciplined middle-schoolers.

  4. Hello teenagers change what they want to be 1 million times even college students change up what they want to do who they want to be that when you’re a kid

  5. You guys are going about this all wrong, so these people are going to be sterilized and stopped from creating any more of these obviously crazy people, so just let them fix the issue themselves, they can't understand that men can't have babies.

  6. suicide, careae you kidding. What happened to survival of the fittest? I really believe this is a first world problem. We have it way too easy over here. Freedoms are creating slavery for all.

  7. Same people who want to ban menthol cigarettes, and raise the smoking age to 21? But yet thinks it's okay to mutilate the genitals of a kindergarten child. Democrats of today are a sickness on our society.

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