Texas lawmaker hoping to expand medical marijuana access

Legislation meant to expand the use of legal marijuana moves a step closer to law in Texas this week. A bill from Rep. Stephanie …


  1. They should copy one of the states that have been doing this for years. Come on, you are just holding out on the potency. That dose would not even help my PTSD from the Army.

  2. Needs to be legalized across the board. Saying medical is ok but recreational is bad is just the dumbest, small brain, answer, especially when alcohol is already on the market.

  3. Free the plant that has kill no one ever safer than a peanut with 0 O.D as well best safest med plant on earth freedom is best Endoocannbinoid system we all have one God made GOOD Genesis 1:29 no joke

  4. Hey Texas, u want truck loads of extra tax dollars? Like 18 wheeler truck loads?? Stop pissin in the wind!! Ur covered in PISS!! Nobody cares what old people want, they care what they want and thats the cold ugly truth. Money talks louder than ignorant folks.

  5. The down slope is "BEER". The number one family destroyer in America. Canned and sold at every corner store. I dont know any drunks who are still alive or not homeless somewhere.

  6. Marijuana is safe, safer than nicotine or caffeine. And it makes you feel good, so republicans have kept people from using it because they are assh0les. The states that have legalized for recreational use have not burned down.. if anything, they are prospering from the revenues. This women needs to be taken out of office and put on the unemployment line. How dare she tell me what I can or can not do!

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