The Billie Eilish Taylor Swift Problem, Horrifying Dangling Cable Car Rescue, & Today's News

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  1. Leave it to republicans to enact fascist policies to keep their NRA $. Jfc. They dont want to ban guns, they just want reasonable gun control so people stop dying. Most mass shooters use guns that were legally bought. And conservatives say the problem is mental health but they dont want to invest in addressing the issue. They really are scumbags

  2. Philip, mcdonalds small fries exceed the cost of their double hamburgers.

    Mcdoubles are cheaper than medium fries.

    Quarter pounders are 4 dollars more than the cost of goods to make a better variation.

  3. In the discussion of paying student teachers to fill the vacant positions, I still cannot believe that we donā€™t pay student teachers? You are quite literally doing 95% of the job, for no pay. In a lot of areas, you legally cannot have a job during this time, so youā€™re completely screwed if youre working to pay through college.

  4. Saying the names of the Queer Victims of recent Hate Crimes really got to me. Phil, would you consider please not including an advertisement immediately afterwards? It feels slightly misplaced in the editing. Thank you for bringing attention to this matter though! – A nonbinary fan

  5. My grandfather was an air traffic controller and it's such a stressful job already, I can't imagine how it is when they're stretched thin right now. It's really sad.

  6. As a father of 2 elementary schoolers I have not been happy with the American school system since I was in high school. If I didnt work 14 hour days 5 days a week I would be home schooling 1000000%. It's glorified babysitting and the class is moving at either the slowest kids pace or leaving kids with half understood concepts and moving on to keep pace with whatever their quotas are. I'm trying to supplement their education with Library books and YouTube, but I haven't gotten to anything that 'works' yet.

  7. I can agree. THC concentration is getting too high. I was am older so and been doing it for a while and tried something a high version. It was a 100mg of 95% THC and I was down for 13 hours. I was sick, could not move, puked for an hour. It was terrible. Not saying others could not take it, just the potency should be limited. If you have that super "high" tolerance (pun intended) you can just take more. If not limiting, then the people who sell it, should do more about teaching more about the amounts.

  8. The claims around cannabis being addictive are all so idiotic, no outside factors where considered here like is the subject depressed? Are they mentally ill? Addiction never comes down to the sole fact that is just the substance being addictive, thereā€™s always an external factor that needs to be addressed. Iā€™m not privy to trust ā€œexpertsā€ who likely make a profit off of traditional drugs putting down a medicine thats been used for centuries.

  9. My thoughts on cannabis. I have fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease I use concentrate for my chronic pain. That being said here in Colorado they made it so you can only buy 8 grams of concentrate a day. It used to be 28 grams daily. For me being disabled and having a limit per day is incredibly inconvenient. I dont think cutting the strength of concentrates is the answer. Id they went that route i would have to smoke more and if that were the case it would have the opposite effect they are hoping for.

  10. For some reason you look a lot like Jesse Eisenberg in this video.
    Love your content
    Been watching since the beginning, havenā€™t watched in like a year but your show is still amazing!

  11. ā€œSometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby, and Iā€™m a monster on hill. Too big to hang out slowly lurching toward your favorite city. Pierced through the heart but never killed.ā€

  12. I like the longer shows! Do more pls ;3
    And age gaps dont mean shit lol Im 35 and my girl is 21.. Ive dated 30 year olds WAY more immature and way less intelligent than my girl. Its all about the person. Me at 21 was still a child, if I was 21 there would be NO WAY.. Shes WAY to much of a woman to have dated 21 year old me… Sometimes its true age is just a number ALTHOUGH focusing on the gap euphuizing her being a child at some point while having a connection (listening to his music) is the weird part… That mentality is kind of pedoish in my opinion… If you see your woman as a woman and youre both happy I dont see an issue, but yea.. Refferencing her as a child in connection with you is gross…

  13. In regards to the MJ discussion, I really think information and caring about that information has to be stressed as more important. Knowing your concentrates if you use them, what percentages each are. Knowing/predicting effects based on terpenes. THC/CBD/CBN,etc is only the car, the terpenes are the driver. I really think the average person doesnt need 30% thc strains. Most people are satisifed anywhere from 12-24%. (Depending on strain and need). Having access to the 30% is great for medical users, but recreationally its unnecessary. Part of me misses before legalization when huge companies pumping out crap werent around. When the grey market dispensaries were around. Granted im glad people are able to freely use without legal reprecussions.

  14. 6:08 Dear Philip & team, please say the victims names when speaking about lives lost. You said all the names EXCEPT the 3 trans women.

    Please continue to speak about the violence facing the 2SLGBTQIA & Allyship community. Using your platform to expose killers who then go on to die by cop is helpful to getting the deaf ears to see and hear us.

    Pride is not a party, pride is a protest against the ongoing violence, discrimination and blatant attempts to remove our rights as humans .

  15. The solution to the teacher shortage is obvious. Pay teachers what they're worth. Teachers in the US are treated as expendable because the idea is "those who can't do teach" but teaching is a skill and even an art form for those who excel in it. The country's youth is always called "the future," but teachers who are shaping the minds and therefore the futures of those children are treated as second-class and are refused a salary commensurate with what they actually do. My husband is a teacher and most of my friends are too. Many of them have left teaching, some after only a few years.
    Creating more teachers or giving teaching credentials to unqualified people only reinforces the problem. The message to teachers is "you're replaceable." It's ridiculous and not a solution. I'm not saying that there aren't people who would be amazing teachers who don't have the qualifications, simply that teachers aren't valued and therefore the problem will persist. For example, in a world where teachers are valued, there would be more programs to help those interested in going to college for teaching actually get to do that. And people would want to do that because they wouldn't have to live off their "passion for teaching/love of what they do," they would get salaries that could actually pay their bills, buy groceries, pay rent/mortgage, etc.

  16. Can we talk about the danger of driving while under the influence of THC? people keep saying its perfectly safe but its NOT perfectly safe if youre irresponsible

  17. Free speech shouldn't condone hate speech. It's to easy for sub human bottom feeders to spread hate. If free speech can't change then I hope people start giving anti-lgbtq a taste of their own medicine 10x.

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