The dilemma in testing drivers for marijuana use

If you’re drunk and get pulled over, you will have to take a breathalyzer test. But there’s no test like that for marijuana – which …


  1. Not an issue. Everyone that smoked marijuana before is still using it the exact same as they would before. Just because Minnesota legalized weed doesn’t mean that everyone is going to go out and immediately try it and go driving. Like no it’s the same group of people doing the same things they have been for a while.

  2. This is a non-issue… We already have field sobriety tests. They are not just for catching drunk drivers, they can detect impairment from a whole slew of things… Everything from not enough sleep to too much Ambien and everything in between… If you cannot tell if a person is impaired with the current tests they are probably not.

  3. they'll lock up citizens..but if you have a badge u will get paid leave until internal investigation..and then come back to work desk job..thats how govt penalty

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