The REAL 5 Levels Of Being High

The real 5 levels of being high… I thought I would revisit this topic cause it has almost been a year since my first one. And oh boy …


  1. That's interesting, as someone that sruggles with OCD and has those kinda thoughts when sober I find that weed helps clear my mind and focus on tem less which can actually make me more productive and happier

  2. Bruh I’m literally about to be like this tomorrow, I’m bout to match wit my homie in the morning before we go to school and then when we get in the building my other nigga got edibles that I’m buying so I’m gone be baked asf at schoo

  3. The I’m first in the series and the second 😮i tohas the best first of them and the ethird and pepper the other one is the most amazing one I have ever seen watched it on YouTube I love it so much I love it I love thank you so very green and green so I will give it to him tomorrow and he will have it for us to pick up tomorrow and he can pick it up tomorrow if we want to go with the other two or the one we have to pick them up tomorrow or tomorrow and then we will have uu to ffgjgywdggkfyusg guys are so much fun to see what you have planned for us and if I am can you guys can we have the other one is there any more pictures of the one that I can have it for in a little more time and if you guys guiyggvhigvhvguyhgivgfh ggdydcygddn yeah
    Edit: whoops sorry while i was laughing my ass off I accidentally typed this

  4. I was completely unexperienced in freshman year and ended up taking 6 10 second hits off of a cart, in like 10 minutes, i was coughing so hard and I had to walk home…

    there isnt any video that has properly explained it

  5. Exploring the Shadow Realm?? Brother, somewhere after Level 3 my Legs spontaneously stop working at some point. No Signs, no warning, nothing. It is to a point where taking a leak becomes a struggle. It´s like I have to tell myself out lout: right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot and so on.

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