Weed becomes legal in Minnesota Aug. 1, but there are still many limitations to buying it

Beginning Tuesday, it will be legal for adults in the state of Minnesota who are 21 and older to possess and grow cannabis.


  1. Article 13
    Sec. 7. No license required to peddle.
    Any person may sell or peddle the products of the farm or garden occupied and cultivated by him without obtaining a license therefor.

  2. 🎉🌿 Happy for all Minnesotian 🌿
    Some lushious looking Nugz you have got there

    – 8 plants each per household –

    should help stimulate the economy.
    Hope non smokers take advantage of the extra income.
    Electrical and Garden supplies should see an increase in sales
    As well as manufacturing supplys.
    And Candy stores.
    Shop locally and USA made.

    Money doesnt grow on trees, unless its Mary Jane

    Thailands prime minister reckons its an extra £2000+ per house hold
    As they have rolled out similar legislations

    Hope the UK can catch up soon.
    Medical patients are appealing for the right to grow also

  3. no drug except caffeine i guess should be legal without a prescription…. alcohol being legal is bad enuf…. could save people a lot of trouble and pain if we just made it illegal again… yes its fun as hell….but makes u not able to get deep REM sleep which is proly its main flaw….and we mostly drink into the night…

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