Why We Have to Take RFK Jr. Seriously | What Next | Daily News and Analysis

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s politics, such as they can be parsed, are a mix of conspiracy theories and vibes. But in a post-Trump …


  1. Where is The Candidate himself? Your take on him is totally wrong. Talking about confused and confusing it is you people. You are merely part of the neocon propaganda. What a total fares you are!

  2. You should have RFK Jr on the show for a conversation. He seems like the best we’ve got. Certainly Biden is a terrible joke of a president. Gavin Newsom would be even worse. RFK Jr isn’t actually anti-vax. He just wants the drugs to be properly tested and proven. Which they’re not. Obviously. That doesn’t seem like too much to ask. Is it?

  3. RFK Jr has a real, honest, genuine track record.
    No conspiracies about his work history.
    If at first he talked to a crowd of right extremist. It is bc he was silenced by all social media including main stream news.
    He is talking to anyone who will listen. That approach got his foot in the door.

    RFK Jr is the only person who can turn this tattered Nation back to a United Nation.
    He will bring people together.
    He already has!!

  4. Why is it so difficult to believe that perhaps he wants to serve the public as some of the other candidates wish to do rather than just have a platform to talk? And why do you only want to focus on only on the vaccine issue? He talks about Ukraine war spending vs underspending on the poor. Did you ask about that? Can you report more objectively with more facts? The reporting is not very impressive.

  5. I personally loathe Trump, but if you're a Republican who likes Trump and who also likes RFK Jr, you should consider registering as a Democrat to vote for him in the primary. Trump is already going to win the GOP nomination, so there's nothing to gain from staying with the GOP just to vote for him. RFK Jr is in my view a far better candidate than any of the others on either side, and I think that Republicans who like him should do what they can to help him get in the White House. RFK Jr is a Democrat, but he's the old kind of Democrat, focused on fighting corporate overreaches and sticking up for the little guy, not assailing the American Revolution and Abraham Lincoln for not being progressive enough.

    If you're a Democrat, you should vote for RFK Jr in the primary because he can bring Republicans on board with environmentalism and civil rights issues, and because it's too much of a gamble to try to run Biden against Trump again when Biden is not getting any younger, and when nobody as liberal as Newsom will ever be elected president due to the fact that the country is a moderate country. If you're a Democrat, it's better to have another Democrat who can get Republican support than another MAGA candidate. And nobody can seriously argue that Trump can out-debate RFK Jr, who is a seasoned trial lawyer with a history of going up against expensive corporate lawyers. You may dislike his vaccine views, but would you like the views of MAGA candidates better? RFK Jr can bring together the cities and the rural blue-collar workers like his father did in 1968. Dems need to recapture the blue-collar working-class voter if they are to remain competitive, and those voters don't typically go for the ultra-left or woke type Democrats. Trump stole those voters from the Dems, but RFK Jr can get them back, as evidenced by the fact that he has so many supporting him. Read the comments in any RFK JR video and you'll see that it's full of Republicans who said they'd vote for him, which is a significant improvement over a Trump or a DeSantis from where I sit.

  6. I voted for Biden in 2020—but I'm not letting Trump in office! He lost the popular vote twice and will lose again! I'll send RFK another donation now! He'll win and he must!

  7. Cheap shot podcast! RFK Jr. is the ONLY one capable of saving this country and getting it back on track. I haven't heard a politician since his uncle talk about the real issues in this country, All the networks including Fox need to be contrasting policies by both parties…..the industrial military is controlling this country and sets the narrative to brain wash.

  8. I listened to RFK jr. skeptics tell I couldn't take it anymore. I had to see what he was really like. Was he frothing at the mouth; spouting wild and crazy conspiracy with every breath? Dare I actually listen to the man himself?
    When I found an interviewer that let him speak my mouth dropped open. He was making sense! His so called "misinformation" had much more substantial scientific references than what I had found in the pronouncements of the established order or its official scientific spokesman. His attitude towards those who disagreed with him was of understanding and humor not divisive or dismissive as is demonstrated by these journalists. :

  9. Your comment about how he is interviewed by 'the fringe' in podcasts…….Just what media should he use when the Biden & corporate influence…..has completely blocked him from mainstream media! During COVID…people actually woke up to all the manipulation, lies, damage done, totalitarian censorship in all media! Virologists, immunologists, doctors were all 'silenced' and told to follow 'the science' that didn't even exist! Follow CDC, WHO, Anthony Fauci…..??? PLEASE READ BOOK 'The Real Anthony Fauci' ! Filled with facts, truth….not conspiracies!

  10. Mainstream Media is, as we know, bought & sold by Big Pharma & others in our well known Corporate Capitalism…..Guess you are just part of it ! OBVIOUS !

  11. Hatchet job! Certainly NOT JOUNALISM ! GO find all the data that proves him wrong! Or are you afraid to….show your actual research! He has lots…..TRUTH is Truth….not conspiracy ! Conspiracy theories are not theories when they are TRUE !

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