54 percent is still over half. Legalize it, don't crititicize it. Unlike alcohol, cannibis isn't currently killing people in record numbers compared to other states. I would say we are long overdue.
Lol it's like she's in the witness protection program for smoking buds LOOL. I'm definitely not smoking while I watch and write this……. nope not me….. lol
Wonder how many Iowans just cross the river and stock up. Some people seriously need it for severe pain.
It's funny how it's illegal but everyone does it or has done it.. lol we all like it.
Hey hey hey smoke weed everyday. Weed got me off cigarettes but iowa only cares about hurting their citizens.
I smoke it everyday piss off and mind your own business
I use it every week in Iowa arrest me go ahead lmao change the law
I love Iowa. But it's marijuana policies are absolutely ridiculous and in the Stone age
What ever happened to majority rules?
54 percent is still over half. Legalize it, don't crititicize it. Unlike alcohol, cannibis isn't currently killing people in record numbers compared to other states. I would say we are long overdue.
Lol it's like she's in the witness protection program for smoking buds LOOL. I'm definitely not smoking while I watch and write this……. nope not me….. lol