1. I'm being held back from a decent life and gaining weight and keeping it until they show some pity I'm hoping not to become disabled and living off govt funds , please legalize medical marijuana so I can just live a Lil longer please I have children and grandchildren I want to be here for.please let us have something other than prescriptions with horrible side effects worse than my symptoms now

  2. I'm in Tennessee we all need to get involved.
    81 percent of the voters here agreed it to be legal yet any bill doesn't make it to vote. It's not what the people said and it's supposed to be up to us not a handful of politicians who travel the world taking who knows what them selves

  3. Here we are.. October a year later and Alabama still dragging its ass on this. This state loves living in the past.You want to know why it’s taking so long? Follow the money. How much revenue will the state lose incarcerating people and fines for a little cannabis is helping people. The state is more addicted to drug money than the people that need this drugs help. Sad indeed.

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