1. I only tend to sweat a ton When im asleep my pee is water looking so im hydrated im weak feel apprently blood work and blood pressure is stable but i dont feel like it is any advice pls

  2. I've been drink 50 gallons of water and eltrolytes still have a dry mouth anxiety fatigue feeling brain fog I feel like I'm going crock and on 2 mgs of Clonazepam and keppra wtf I've been through ever withdrawal this is insane

  3. weaning off alcohol to help with the symptoms day 1 i had 8 beers one every hour then slept still felt like terrible but it helped, then had 5 every hour for the next 3 days, i feel normal but i got brain fog now and im on day 5 didnt have one since i woked up and it feels like a normal hangover so ill probably try quit from here

  4. I'm a severe alcoholic drinking whiskey from 6 in the morning until I go to sleep at 8 at night.,I stopped drinking 25 hours ago and I have no withdrawals., I prayed and asked the Lord Jesus to take it away and I believe he has….

  5. Speaking from experience of having suffered both,it is a massive understatement to call the anxiety and seizures experienced during extreme alcohol withdrawal merely "Unpleasant"…Both are absolutely terrifying and indescribable in their intensity and internal horror.

  6. I am facing my own withdrawal symptoms from an addiction (not alcohol). After watching this, I have to say I didn't expect alcohol withdrawal symptoms to be so bad and life threatening. This is unbelievable. I am so thankful and I hope everyone who is addicted to their own addiction can get rid of it ASAP!

  7. Having being through this more than 3 times, this video was painful to watch. Not mentally but physically. I felt My body went into a brief syncope the moment the author started to state the DTs. Alcohol has to come from hell there’s just nothing good at all about this stuff

  8. I stopped on Sunday , saw an ER got some Librium took it as told the most I’ve had the first night was couldn’t sleep a little bit of sweats and a bad nightmare, on my second day sober I ate , did my usual stuff slept 11hrs and didn’t have any bad dreams, I’m on day 3 ate took a walk and drinking lots of water and eating fruit. I’m guessing everyone has different withdrawals symptoms after stopping alcoholic consumption but maybe I might just get the symptoms much later idk so far I feel better than the first and second night.

  9. What if im addicted and dependant on benzodiazepines along with alcohol and in a methadone program. Im worried bc i might be going to jail on april 24th of 2023 for inability to pay for damages from a fight. Am i gonna die in there? Should i say my goodbyes now?

  10. I drank to much vodka like a week and after that and stopping for two weeks now I can't get rid of vertigo. It happened to me like a few years ago but I went to my chiropractor and he adjusted my body and within 2 hours the symptoms were gone. Now I've gone to two different chiropractors and it helped a tad and I have vertigo while walking, not while laying down. I was wondering that I just may have to give it time for my brain to heal or take some kind of pill called Benzo something? To help with the withdrawals?

  11. This is super helpful. 48hrs in and thought I was losing my mind with the hallucinations and insomnia. I was 25 days sober in February and the withdrawals were terrifying but got through it. decided for one beer earlier this month. Needless to say that led to destruction and I quit 2 days ago when I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror anymore. Also joined AA yesterday which helped.

  12. I was fuqin driving from San Francisco to Reno and back towards Sacramento in Major and DTs. The most terrifying experience ever. Eventually started walking in traffic against traffic because I was the death of the human race because Obama was actually an organic supercomputer that I was telepathically connected to but because of my alcoholism and toxins from a stage 3 liver failure, I killed humanity and was doomed to walk due south until I died. Police were called and they thought I was tweaking on meth and going through psychosis due to that. Wound up in Kaiser Permanente ICU for 15 days only remember 3 of them. They couldn't get rid of my low grade fever because initially they misdiagnosed me even though I told them I was an alcoholic who had abruptly stopped drinking to return to a job I had taken a hiatus from after my wife's death from alcoholic hepatitis. It took 7 years, finally ICU 7 times in 3 months for me to eventually get help and I've been clean and sober for two years now from everything except for cigarettes. How I don't have wet brain is seriously beyond me.

  13. Currently going through the withdrawals I haven’t been able to eat in 4 days and the shakes are unbearable. I quit my job and found a new one I start in a week.

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