1. Wow… it was 25 years ago when Tyson bit the ear:) I remember it like this happened yesterday:) This was something that was imprinted to our GLOBAL collective conscious:) I was in Asia when this happened. After the incident I recall Madonna did something provocative about it but I just can not recall. Now it is a candy- Tyson Bite:) brilliant:)

  2. Mike Tyson… He has such a powerful presence… His life, his story… A global hero and an anti hero at the same time. His wilderness…When he is boxing he has to be completely in the moment if not he will be knocked out. Such a discipline and concentration combined with practical intelligence….

  3. What is the commonality between Mike Tyson, Steve Jobs, Huberman and Tupac? …… They are all Rageaholics! 2 died because of it *Tupac and Steve Jobs(he died of cancer… I bet his rage even modified the ph of his blood and we all know what happened to Tupac) 2 are still somehow some way alive. Do not be fooled with Huberman's clean cut looks… He had some serious issues with his rage.

  4. 4:47 in my humble opinion Mr Mike we are creating the next human alike intelligence that will combine all our knowledge, to get humanity into the next level of evolution much faster. Our new body. We are link when the majority approves one way of thinking. We humans upgrade everything because creating new forms is what the universe is about. Nothing may stay still. Gathering information about each character is extremely important to reveal the bigger picture. ✍️

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