Bike Riders In Makeni On A Sit At Home Strike

sierraleone #sierraleonechinese #republicofsierraleonearmedforces #sierraleonepolice #presidentbio #fatimabio …


  1. If you are not guilty of of playing games on the elections you don't have to worry about it.America is not going to give names.when you go to the Embassy you will find out if your name is on the list.

  2. The problem with Sierra Leoneans is that we think America is everything. America is responsible for most of the conflicts in Africa. As people we don't need to be jitery we America place visa restrictions on Sierra Leoneans just because they are not satisfy with our democratic process. As people we have to stand against people that only interested in pulling us down just because they are not given the right to exploit our minerals as APC use to do.

  3. Solomon lef for deceive yousef me brother. Time dae fit clock jisnor by his grace πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡±πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡±πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡±. No compromise until and unless the rigged elections are investigated.

  4. AYV, where is your senior journalist, Samuel Wise Bangura the CEO of the fake money printing company. What a shame, none of the so-called social media's bloggers are reporting about his crime, frankly it is a state crime. as peace loving Sierra Leonen, I want to know about the finding about Samuel crime.

  5. It’s unfortunate you are not even true to yourself. Is it only Makeni bike riders that strike or even in Freetown and Kenema. If they are the owners of their bike and choose to sit at home who are you to threaten them with their own decisions? If you can’t solve or address the issue you should leave them.

  6. Please with the restrictions of wearing of helmets, should be careful dealt with like this. One; all bike riders should have antiseptic spray to spray helmet after and before any use of persengers.

  7. Here again in this bike riders issue.A main issue here is the lack of comprehensive approach to development and social issues.The Police are only one organ whose remit covers this. The health sector ,disease control, the roads authorities, where the bikes park, the youth employment, because most who ride these bikes do this simply because they dont have alternative employment alternatives.

    Furthermore other ministries like trade and industry, can these helmets be manufactured in salone creating jobs and enterprises which will increase the amounts and bring the prices down.
    This issue cant be a one organ solution. Salone development and institutions is still way too dated and over politicised.

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