1. JOE! OH JOE! I would like to know if you have ever even laid your eyes upon a copy of a Constitution. Much less read it. Reason for me stating this is there are 4 words you miss each and every time you attack article 2. Shall Not Be Infringed those 4 words are strongest when in lieu of directions and limitations of actions or aggressions. And it matters not the name position or agency or authority. Only that individual can relinquish Article 2 rights. However one person cannot relinquish all other persons Article 2 rights.

  2. Bad ju ju. I cant support this "morons with guns" idea, mainly because as a responsible citizen my goal is to never have to use one in the first place. Turning up the idiot factor unfortunately also turns up the likelihood factor. Second, gun addiction is a good reason to stay away from drug addiction; we should be inventing new deterrents for shattered lives not eliminating them.

  3. Roaches in the car and he's riding around with guns? Have some common sense dude. The guy admitted to smoking weed and they didn't run a drug panel? C'mon the cops know it's gonna be positive and this guy is done. No one in this whole scenario has a shred of common sense.

  4. Out of all drugs, the one drug that can simultaneously increase aggression and impair judgment at normal doses is alcohol.
    The ban, aside from being philosophically and legally unjust, is outright unscientific.

  5. Hmm the constitution says shall not be infringed. You can't make any laws taking rights away from the constitution thus making any law null and void big difference between laws and codes or statute. Learn the law please

  6. Big surprise… there wouldn't be a big name out there thats known to have lied about being on drugs on a gun form and filming himself doing the drugs… all of a sudden its important.

  7. When can we get politicians that are below 40 years old??
    Can we stop electing useless Boomers that hild our country back? All boomers do is hold the usa back hard from progression.

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