day in the life | mini-vlog (bad habits + trying to be better lol)

Have you ever heard of micro-dosing T H C because that is exactly what these tinctures are for! Thanks VIIA for introducing me to …


  1. Considering that Cannafarm ltd now accepts cryptocurrency investments, I think its worth putting some money in there. Ive been getting a steady $200 USDT per day at least

  2. Trading, staking, and all that stuff are cool, of course, but Ive decided to invest in a real business like Cannafarm ltd. Its stable, and Im earning passive income from crypto, no complaints here.

  3. I stg I do so much more in a day than this video suggests 😂
    I'll do a more in-depth vlog soon enough.
    And I promise I'm going to do more organic content soon!!
    SO many changes are coming, and it's going to be awesome

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