Does CBD Cure Tinnitus?

Can CBD cure tinnitus? Dr. Rachael Cook, audiologist at Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix, Arizona, reviews the research …


  1. Excellent information, thank you so much, I totally agree CBD can help in many tinnitus cases indirectly, by reducing stress, anxiety, and Insomnia, which are conditions that triggers or cause the tinnitus. Especially valuable information for 750 million people that are suffering tinnitus worldwide according to JAMA neurology research magazine. Thank you!!! ¡¡¡¡Muchas Gracias!!!!

  2. Hi! I just wanted to ask, 1)what do you do when a patient is reeeallyy picky with the sound quality? My audiologist had a lot of trouble to get my devices sounding right for me but the issue isn’t them, puts the fact that I’m way too picky about it and i have a hard time telling or explaining what does not sound right,.. they have are wonderful audiologists and do have success with every other patient, and they super nice and kind,.. although now that i am living in NYC during the week instead of where I normally live, i am looking for someone to have incase of any problems,.. Do you happen to know anyone located on the upper east side of manhattan?

  3. I've had tinnitus for 15 or more years. I've used CBD for 4 years. CBD did not affect my tinnitus at all. Last spring my tinnitus seemed to double in volume over a short time, and I was quite concerned about putting up with that for maybe the rest of my life. But I started taking a GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) supplement on the advice of one of these videos, and yay, it has cut my tinnitus by about 80%. Very manageable now, I can ignore it completely most of the time.

  4. I've had tinnitus since childhood. I'm 58 and have no recollection of what it's like to not have my constant companion of high pitched ringing with me every moment. It really doesn't bother me much, I've learned to tune it out as long as I have something to distract me such as music, tv or maybe a fan. I stream a lot of YouTube videos while I'm doing things at home – like this great content 😉 I should consider myself lucky to have had it so long that I don't remember life without it.

  5. I am 74 years old. When I was discharged from the military, I had a huge case of tinnitus accompanied with a hearing loss that required lip reading classes. It was all noise induced due to combat. It sounded like I was laying in a field of crickets. I primarily notice it when all is quiet, but for some reason it has never bothered me. Early on, it was so loud I wondered if people next to me could hear it. I still have it. As for CBD, I was taking CBD for a partially torn rotator cuff. It worked great for two weeks. Then I noticed that I was becoming out of breath. After doing some research on CBD, it was spelled out in a few studies from Johns Hopkins and Mayo Clinic that CBD canceled the effects of Letaris, the very expensive drug that I take for my pulmonary hypertension. Then there is a friend of mine that learned that CBD can negatively affect thyroid medications. Just like grapefruit will cancel out many prescription drugs, CBD has to be researched before anyone embarks on a self-medication program. It could just kill you

  6. I use CBD for inflammation in my lower joints, and it works great in combo with other therapies. But, it doesn't do squat on my tinutus. Best treatment I've tried for tinutus is keep my hearing aids in.

  7. Interesting video. My tinnitus started in 1982. It changes often. Stress makes it louder. It is most bothersome when it is loud and continuous. I’m not sure if this is something i want to try until more successful developments happen.

  8. How I think and feel about the ringing in my ears doesn’t do anything. It’s still there!!!!!! Unless you have it you have no idea how terrible it is

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