Does CBD Help With High Blood Pressure?

In this video, I go over if CBD for high blood pressure is a better alternative to prescription medication. — If you liked this video, …


  1. There are many studies you can find online through legitimate resources that have proven that CBD isolates do help lower blood pressure. If your blood pressure is sky-high you might want to try prescription until you can get causes of your high blood pressure more under control.

  2. In my case daily CBD oil definitely lowered my blood pressure and I agree it could help people with high blood pressure. Unfortunately my blood pressure was not high to start with and it lowered it to a dangerous level where I was actually passing out. I no longer take CBD and now micro-dose with a low dose THC product for my medical issues.

  3. well it works wonders for me.
    I take about 250mg of CBD and about 7-10mg of THC everyday and my average blood pressure is 117/77 , if i stop taking the cannabis it can shoot up to right at the boarderline of 140/90
    so in my case youre wrong

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