FASTING FOR FAT LOSS Learn to use intermittent fasting for lasting fat loss. #fatloss #menopauseweightloss #menopause …


  1. Hi Connie – I've tried IF for few months now and don't see much of a change in my weight loss. I'm overwhelmed by all the info out there. If you are to get all your protein in for the day (my goal is 140g) then how would you structure your feeding if eating 3 meals a day? What is your exercise routine? You look soo fit!! Thank you and take care!

  2. Just started the intermittent fasting last Wednesday. As of today Sunday I am up to 17 hours & think this might be the max for a bit to get comfortable with it. Drinking a lot of water, changed around and doing exercise first to keep me from being hungry. I don't have a problem with snacking or binge eating because I have had Gut issues for years & fearful of food so I would just eat little bits but I know they were the wrong type of foods. I'm sure I will be the type to eat 2 meals a day. Just would like more info of what to eat since I'm just starting and noticing I'm eating the same thing for my first meal. Is there a protein cookbook you can recommend? Anyway for those who want more info getting healthy, book a session with Connie, she is really good to get you started. I'm 73 so its never too late to start.

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