FOCUS | What marijuana production looks like in Illinois

According to the state of Illinois, 32% of 2021’s total cannabis sales were from people who didn’t live in the state.


  1. Kentucky… Are you crazy hopping over the border for this trash? The first thing they will do is scan your license.
    Whatever you do… Don’t break the law going home. Because having handcuffs on you might not be pleasant bringing that garbage back to Kentucky.
    Kentucky people… It’s not worth it. It’s addictive crack. And harmful.
    Before you come all this way to Illinois… Call the dispensaries and ask if they have any proof that what they are selling is 100% marijuana… paperwork…a guarantee… ask if the product is sticky. It’s not. Call ahead and ask questions.
    I did this before I went to Michigan. I was so addicted that I still went and purchased $250 worth of trash and went through Indiana illegally risking my freedom. When I got home… Terrible product… That was from a place called sky mint . I’ll never do that again. All Indiana would have to do is run my license and they would know I had marijuana in the car. I would’ve been in jail that night if I was caught.
    From experience… I do this every time I used to go there… I would ask Those questions. They have no proof.
    But they have excellent evidence that there’s no Turpines… No oils in the flower… All you have to do is look at the product. But first you have to buy it. Then… Open the crack jar and take a look for try combs or Turpines. They should look like little do 💦 drops.
    And if you’re thinking about Michigan as an alternative… The prices will be drastically cheaper. $49 an ounce… It’s still total trash but you’re not buying it for $250 an ounce. But it is the identical garbage as Illinois.
    Did you notice in this video how it says from seed to package but they use the word essentially… They skipped over the chemical additive process. These people who grew this stuff are from Wall Street. They want you addicted. All of a sudden you are a crackhead crossing the border illegally for trash.

    Because trying to quit is like quitting heroin. This is firsthand knowledge. From a person who is addicted and is on day three of quitting.
    I failed three times trying to quit. But this time… I’m over the hump.
    And the edibles… They will steal your soul… My friend was addicted and took a large amount of those edibles… He went into his garage one day and committed suicide. All his wife would say was he was addicted to those “expensive edibles“. I was addicted at the same time. I quit edibles the day of his funeral. RIP Bill.

    Save your money Kentucky… Don’t waste your time crossing the border illegally with total trash that will put you in handcuffs.

  2. People… Did you see how they spin those tops… That’s to remove all of the tri-combs and re-distribute it to all of their products… doing that removes everything.
    That’s where they start fresh with inert garbage… Then they do their magic… Synthetic additives for flavor… Which sucks… Hi… Which is a low.

    My opinion is this is not even marijuana. It’s a big scam. That’s why that garbage in those plastic crack jars doesn’t even look like marijuana. It looks like a cow chewed up grass and stuck it on a stick.
    And the taste of Illinois pot… It’s shoe polish. The second hit is burnt logs.
    Please let me describe the high… You will fly but not on marijuana. It’s some kind of attention deficit drug. It will make your ears ring… But it is not a marijuana high.
    But it is stoning … Something like synthetic K2 or spice but different .
    And it is extraordinarily addictive like heroin.

    The greedy are growing it. Wall Street scumbags are in charge and they want you addicted so you keep buying it.
    They have a game they play. It’s… So you didn’t like that product… Try this… You didn’t like this product… Try that… It’s a big circle jerk. All along… You become more and more addicted until you are a junkie on this crack like product.

    You noticed they used the word essentially… Essentially that’s what we do… Not quite… allegedly We hid The process of adding the chemicals so essentially that’s what they do.

    Ask the dispensary if it is 100% marijuana… Ask if there is any enhanced flavor or high they add… They won’t tell you.

    Or the person is too stupid to know. And that’s how it’s set up. It is not transparent what you are buying. Nothing on the label saying 100% marijuana… Because it’s not.

    I am on day three of quitting this crack. Yesterday was pretty hard. Depression… I felt like a junkie going through withdrawal but the sun was shining and I pulled through day two… It’s day three…
    No way am I going back to one of those Illinois dispensaries. Consume… Screw you… A bunch of liars. Of course I made the rounds of all the dispensaries. Maribis … Earth med… That place sucked…

    And let’s never forget how your drivers license is handed to them. That way when you’re stoned… The cops will know when you bought your last weed.
    Day three and knowing I am quit… It’s looking scary to go near that dispensary however the middle finger is up while driving past. That’s for sure.

    My dreams are different… I’m sleeping better… It’s only day three but it’s a new life. I’m breaking free of this heroin like addiction.
    You could quit. It took me three times to fail. Three times going back to the dispensary. But no way… Will I go back.

    My head is coming out of the clouds of that crack… I cleared out all those crack jars and crack pipe… Believe me it was hard to do.
    My theory is they add chemicals that are in cigarettes.
    You can quit. You thought it was marijuana. It’s not. It’s garbage. Michigan is the same. Except the price is drastically lower than the rip off of Illinois. I’m talking $49 an ounce… Of 25% THCA …

    There’s no Turpines… It’s not sticky… It’s not oily… It’s terrible. And don’t go to Michigan. Remember… Indiana knows you are a marijuana consumer by your license. It’s an entire scam.

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