Get The Latest On Cannabis Rescheduling And Legalization News From The Federal Government!

Federal rescheduling of cannabis has been a big topic in recent news. A government analysis predicts the DEA is likely to …


  1. It's bad it it goes schedule 3 better just puts it in big pharma's hands and everybody needs a prescription to use it there will be no more recreational or marijuana shops think about when doctors have pill clinics all that will do is make it so the FDA and big Pharma can control and profit off of it and I cannot believe the Cannabis Community cannot see that

  2. It's definitely a you and me issue not a political stance issue. Pot could be helping me manage my post stroke pain but instead I'm suffering and I can't do anything about it cause we put greedy self serving people into our government back in the day

  3. this idiotic conversation has been driveling on thru the 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's, 2000's, 2010's, and now 2020's. academics were sure it was gonna b perfectly legal way back in the 70's. still waitin on the puritanical to die off—but look at the 80somethings refusing to leave their govt offices, look at the dea running roughshod over the country since senile corrupt biden admin got in. the deep south is absolutely captured by bigpharma for instance. trump at least legalized hemp, maybe if we can get him back he'll stomp out more of the deepstate agenda. otherwise, dont see any legislative wave of freedom in the pipeline. yea i said it: bring back the mean tweeter:)

  4. @cannabis legalization news, y’all should do a bit on the EBCI legalizing recreational cannabis on their land here in western North Carolina!! It’s awesome and amazing news!! Anyone 21 and up Indian or not can purchase cannabis as long as they are on tribal lands. Hope to see y’all look into it and spread the news. I am new to the channel and I think you guys are great!!

  5. YOUR people are insane.
    First you threaten Canada for harm reduction and for making drug dealers lose money and saving on courts and prisons.
    BUT, the US imprisons more people per capita for money GEO than any other country.
    I wish the USA would come out of communism and become a Democracy.

  6. Schedule 3 does nothing but open the flood gates for big pharma to move in take over in it’s entirety.

    Then DEA and local governments would have clear mandates to enforce penalties of law coming from pressure of lobbyists.

    It would be a death blow to craft cannabis and home grow.,

    Schedule 3 is still a felony that carries a 5 year prison sentence..

  7. I would say you shouldn’t mix this conversation with politics. I get it, it’s a political issue but when you talk about “these republicans” you lump everyone together. I’m a republican and I want the same thing you want. 14 republicans is know where near the majority. I’m sure they are also the old rhino republicans. I’m just saying call out names instead of lumping everyone in together.

  8. How about the hundreds of sited research on marijuana use for insomnia, nausea, and even for cancer/chemo patients as a medicine to help a long list of symptoms. As a fellow American the current argument from these gov officials doesn’t make any sense. In my honest opinion it’s all for keeping themselves in office by making those who donate to their campaigns happy. Which is just sad and really shows how fucked up our current gov. has adopted this corrupt concept right in the heart of Washington dc. These people have no knowledge of the subject they are discussing, which also proves of the failure our current bipartisan infrastructure. It’s really just quite unfortunate for a country to be tarnished by this sort of ignorance.

  9. Trump is a Genius he knows what’s up. He sat down with people who had addiction problems and listened. He cared and sees that marijuana is beneficial. Stop that anti Trump rhetoric.

  10. I agree it needs to be fully legal on federal level.. but I don't agree with the fact that the dark federal government is not wanting to legalize it they just haven't figured out how to get their dirty hands on the money without having to legalizing it.. $$$ it's the federal government not the friendly neighbors..😂

  11. I heard that republicans were moving on from cannabis. It would create tax money for the state & fed, blue chip investment & provide jobs for Americans.

  12. So you idiots are pissed off over the fact that we have States legalizing marijuana under their rights, but the federal law says it is illegal???? The Federal government is absolutely found a way to collect taxes for the illegal substance but you people have no issues with the second amendment and the constitution of the 🇺🇲, the only law of our country is being disgraced by the entire government we employ and they are laughing at you with your hands around your ankles????

  13. THC and many others have been 'proven' to be a powerful anti-inflammatory. That means virus begone. I have the knowledge but not the education to explain. Also 'proven' is a misnomer. What that means in science is proven until otherwise wrong. Almost all Facts will be found wrong in one way or another. Einstein is an old timey guy stuck in the old ways. Not so when I was a teenager. He was da bomb! Keep that in mind when someone says proven. We aren't perfect.
    Cannabis can make Houses, bio fuel, the sky is the limit. CBR is a non-psychoactive smokable anti-anxiety all wrapped up in hemp, unproven. 1 observation does not make a fact. So many things this little weed can do. it will take over your area to the point of being annoying, hemp at least. Yes it is a weed.

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