1. The country population is already almost destroyed by drugs. Legalise cannabis and finish it up for good.
    Note for parents : Save your children you incompetent fools.Create soldiers and doctors instead of drug addict retards.

  2. what ever politician that actually gets cannabis legalized nationwide will be a shoe in for president, oh but with 65 percent of country wanting legal abortion they would probably have to be pro choice also

  3. I'm an investor of Cannabis and stand to make (in my world) very good money. HOWEVER, I have my limits on the Legalization process. I will give two simple examples. I stopped by a friends place, a fairly nice apartment complex, and on his floor, I clearly could smell the smoke of Cannabis. In another example, I walked past a park, saw precious little children playing and the air around them had the scent of Cannabis. The other problem, Cannabis, when discussed on live news, CNBC for example, they often talk about it like joke. They use words Weed, Pot, and so on. I have never heard CNBC make reference to alcohol by saying, "in todays earnings, Moonshine, Hooch, liquid poison showed promise." Oh…. I understand people may respond by stating, "how about the cigarette smoke that flows through the air." My response, I agree that is also a problem. There is a place for Cannabis, Medical and Recreational, but we must use common sense when laws are put in place for it.

  4. I personally do not partake of the use of marijuana however I have no doubt that recreational marijuana will eventually become legal in all 50 states.
    And what people want to do on their own time is their business but you need to leave it home and smoke it on your own time not at work.
    And this is the real reason why it has been illegal for so long. Many marijuana smokers that I have known can't seem to do this. They can't control themselves. They want to smoke it on their lunch break and I've even seen somebody smoking a joint while they were driving a work van on the highway.
    If they could just learn to do this it probably would have been legalized years ago.

  5. If Dr. Patel, really cared, why wouldn't he be concerned about the effects of Prison, and incarceration, on children? Why isn't he concerned about the effects of having a child's father thrown in prison? Does anyone remember America from before the drug war? Safe streets and low crime. Men like Dr. Patel goaded Americans, into building a police state over this. It's been a tragedy watching a nation of people, who's highest claimed value of freedom, be goaded into building a police state. Power hungry politicians are a bigger risk to our health.

  6. Imagine living in a world where the vast majority agrees that it's a medicine wants it and has the right not only but deserves to have it, but there is a small select few groups of people who happen to disagree with it and of course they will because not everyone has to agree on literally everything but the fact that we are forced to not have it not only that but have it be illegal and be treated like criminals for needing it or wanting it or using it, and the main reason why we don't get it and the country listens to the 10% forget the 80%+ people that all agree listen to that small percentage of 10% that don't want it and that's the only reason why it's still illegal….just opinions…. funny my opinion is pots good but I can't have it but yet someone else can have the opinion that pots bad and they get their opinion cherished. Something's wrong with this county and it's so sad

  7. Road rage would go down. Cowards would stop sideswiping & braking checking. Roads would become pleasant again & safe to take your family on the road like in the 80’s. Truck drivers would be cool as ever if they were allowed to smoke. They always stressed out & ANGRY

  8. Overdose is not the way people die from marijuana. Usually death is caused by accidents or incidents related to impairment. Also, deaths are caused by health complications brought about by marijuana use. No different than alcohol or cigarette use.

  9. Wow, who would have thought that too much of a good thing could be bad for you, thanks Doc. 🙄 As with most things in life, it's all about moderation folks. And I believe it should always be YOUR choice.

  10. I am divided on this. I certainly don't think that marijuana should result in imprisonment, but I hate being around it. I have a weird sensitivity to odors, especially the smell of something burning. Matches, candles, tobacco, marijuana, incense, all of them are nauseating to me, and can make me feel as if I am going to vomit. I am not exaggerating, I find them as offensive as raw sewage.

    I am concerned that legalization might result in a return to the smoking culture of when I was a kid some 45-50 years ago, where cigarettes were ubiquitous and many just laughed at you if you objected. Today, criticism of marijuana is starting to get similar responses, "what do you have against week?" you'll hear, and so many people can't conceive that the odor really is offensive to me.

    If people are private about their use and I don't have to smell it I have no problem.

  11. Why won’t they take alcohol off the shelves since they’re worried about kids using it. Kids have been getting drunk and in DUI car wrecks for decades. What about all the cons of alcohol?

  12. My problem with the doctors statement about the increase in kids 0-14 being hospitalized. Could the increase be simply because less fear of punishment makes people more willing to seek help in certain situations?

  13. If that’s how y’all feel about it then might as well make cigarettes illegal. I mean we know it causes cancer??? But weed something that can be beneficial is actually illegal?? These company rather kill people than save them.

  14. Dr. spoke about the number of cannabinoids in the plant as if it’s a new and bad thing. The stimulation of our endocannabinoid system by these phytochemicals is neither new to humans nor is it bad in a vast majority of cases. Let American adults make decisions for them selves and leave your spin at the door abc

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