1. LEGALIZE IN ALABAMA ALREADY wtf like we have all this delta fake crap that actually is harmful give us something good already I have little faith that this country cares about us at all. We have liquor legal but there is zero positive affects and thc isn’t ? That makes zero sense to me

  2. As soon as they can figure out how to make the money coming in like from Alcohol you will see Dispenceries popping up everywhere Alcohol is 10 times worse on People than pot but keeping it Ilegal makes a lot of Money Keping The Courts and Law enforcement busy seizing Cars Properties taking Drivers Licences from people that are just using its Big Bussiness it's Time to Legalize it let People smoke pot Nobody cares if you Drink Yourself Senseless as long that you Pay that Tax stamp on every Fluid ounce you drink Prohibition ended now lets Vote on TheLegalization and see how many people agree on Legal Marijuana

  3. Actually, 91% of Americans agree that cannabis should be legal. 60% say for recreation. That means 9% of ppl (60+ say it should be illegal). Interesting how the only thing that matters is if the leaders say yes. We have no say. 91% of people agree AT LEAST MEDICAL. WE THE PEOPLE have NO power after all.

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