Inside Australia's First Medicinal Cannabis Farm Worth $130 Million

In a top-secret location a few hours from Perth, The Project was invited to meet the brains behind Australia’s first large scale …


  1. Canberra is legalized and there seems to be no problems… but the demand has sky rocketed by both the medicinal people and the NSW wish listers making no problems for the police at all, so much so that they have had lots of time to stop incoming trucks with huge loads of dope/pot further stopping the trade in the ACT.
    On top of this fake "no problem situation" The medicinal groups cant get enough oil or pot to make their medicine and the ACT is a horrible place to grow pot, plus they cant grow it inside all year round hydroponically with grow lights like normal stoners can and do in other states… so the ACT is simply a false state of affairs just like the early results from Denver in the US……
    Now look what happened California is going into pot growing over drive to sell to Denver smokers, More pot is coming from Mexico every day, seizures are a lot bigger and the drug trade has exploded, they have New cartels taking over that are threat to the US way of life..

  2. This is absolutely disgusting, the Australian government is monopolising the cannabis industry in Australia before it's even legal for the average man. America used and still is using the four stage plan, 1st stage is let everyone grow cannabis and start businesses, mom and pop style start ups out of their backyards, 2nd stage is to introduce light taxes and licensing, 3rd stage is to massively increase taxes and decrease the amount of licensing to under 100 country wide, so all the companies either sell up and cash out or get bought out or merge to the three last big companies left standing, 4th stage is those last two to three companies become government owned and affiliated and then the cannabis industry is just like cigarettes and alcohol……totally illegal to grow your own, no more licenses just poison being sold to the population. This lady make me sick "hospital grade" lol yeah whatever you reckon, the best most healthy cannabis grows under the sun, not in a lab with synthetic nutrients.

    That lady is evil 💯% FACTS GUARANTEED

  3. Plenty of doctors out there that write scripts but none that will actually help you. There's a lot of legal medicinal cannabis going around Australia. I used to work in a warehouse full of imported Canadian medical marijuana. Not easy to get a prescription at all. Nobody gets scripts even if they need them. Anxiety, depression and insomnia are not a good enough reason for Aussie doctors to prescribe you anything.

  4. Like you could trust for even a moment that they're not using herbicides/insecticides/fungicides…the greed is too much, no way could they risk having to destroy a whole harvest after failing pathogen and microbial testing due to their own pathetic efforts to prevent and control hazards.

    Let us grow our own organic goodness!
    What they're providing as medicinal is a joke!

  5. Typical rich farmers if you were a surfer or a old hippy they condemn you labelled you gave you a criminal record now the money pig's get a chance to do it legal And call them selves experts

  6. Its should be legalized like beer and wine

    Many medical patients say that it cost more than illegal cannabis and the quality isnt as good.

    These people havent been growing as long as some of the people in jail or breaking the law to grow it, no not everyone that grows illegally cares about the product they grow but alot do and its grown without pesticides and pgrs that cause cancer

    Having money to buy a licence doesnt make you a reputable company within the industry

    You need to talk to people who have made this plant their life

  7. Medical cannabis is all about big business full stop , nothing to do with patients , I have more knowledge in my little finger about cannabis than all of these money hungry dogs
    I'll take a Pepsi challenge with any weed they can come up with

  8. the term 'Marijuana' was created in the late 60's by the CIA to make the plant sound SCARY because it sounds like 'propaganda' and it opens your 3rd eye and heals the Pineal gland in your brain making you more aware of how the world really works and widens your curiosity, with all those advertisements in the 70's-90's about 'Marijuana' being 'The Devils Lettuce' and a 'gateway drug' and will make your brain fried like a scrambled egg… the term 'Marijuana' gives the plant a bad reputation! Cannabis is the scientific and correct term

  9. Just legalise it for God sake, the science is out.. it obviously has medicinal qualities or there wouldn't be a market for it. It's obviously less harmful than alcohol, and the old refrain used by politicians for years about causing schizophrenia is outdated and invalid.. welcome to the real world.

  10. As a legal patient in Australia myself, I can confirm that the majority of the flower products available are just as bad, if not worse than a large amount of "street weed". I hope the Australian Medical growers can step up their game and get more inline with the quality products available overseas, and from Australia's "street weed" growers. There have been several reports of contaminants and foreign matter in legal medicinal flower on the aus med reddit page 🙂

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