Joburg CBD Fire I Joburg CBD fire highlights lawlessness in SA: Mashaba

Action SA President, Herman Mashaba, says the fire in Joburg highlights South Africa’s lawlessness and its impact on job creation …


  1. When DA was in charge of Gauteng province, they messed up things, thas when JHB become more deity than it was before, and they even introduce public drinking ryt now if you go to JHB it's alcohol corner to corner it's no longer that JHB that we know, City of Gold, also covid 19 have changed many things people have lost job,

  2. Herman Mashaba did not/has not received credit for what he did achieve during he term as mayor. When he tried to evict the occupiers of these hijacked buildings – predominantly illegal foreigners – he was labelled ZENAPHOBIC and then all his efforts wrt reclaiming these hijacked buildings were just dropped & invalidated. How the chickens have come home to roost!!

  3. Unfortuna ly its may happen in Durban also .flats in Elwyn court are sub divided by owners and.i suspect an element of slum lords .these flats are batchelor flats.not meant for so many people

  4. I keep saying this, who need to watch who is fighting to keep SOE's. Because us as normal south african's gains almost nothing from it. But we have the ANCYL and the EFF fighting so hard to keep them even after all the bail outs. Is this where they make their money while we need to deal with hospitals that doesnt have enough funding to take care of us? We the people that vote for these parties should start asking our leaders these questions so we can start understanding why our leaders are fighying so hard for these things that are eating money that should be going to the poor. The poor are getting poorer while these leaders are getting richer fighting over these SOE's

  5. This shacks that are inside building structures has been here for year's! I've personally seen it in the Industria area in jhb in the early 2007. They eventually removed them & the building was sold!

  6. Thank you Mr. Mashaba. I have been saying it for years that this is the only person who can fix South Africa. If he never become President of South Africa next year, South Africa will join the rest of the Banana Continent called Africa!

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