Making Weed Concentrates in an Underground Lab | WEEDIQUETTE

Krishna meets Hidrow, an underground weed concentrates maker in the UK, who risks his life distributing medical marijuana to …


  1. would love to know a guy like him, I've got anxiety autism and chronic IBS cramps so to have someone hook me up with concentrates on the house for my conditions would be the best. Luckily HHC is legal and not too expensive where I live but not everyone has that privilege.

  2. One of the biggest medical marijuana exporters in Europe… yet for it to be a class B drug doesn't that mean there's no medicinal values recognised?

  3. No way arrest him! He is breaking the law, and the law was written by rich a holes, and job of police is to follow the law , which will punish and protect. Punish the poor , and protect the rich. Would you trust laws written by convicted criminals ? Those with a loud voice against theaw must be silenced, prisioners don't have credibility, and therefore, no voice. Change this.

  4. No vacuum for the hotplate?
    Also, I wonder how high the plate was? The bubbles seem a bit intense…. Why not use a pot of hot water and a bowl? What is going on here?

  5. hahaha lmao hes doing nothing else but distilling the alcohol. anybody can do that at home easily. Acting out with the mask especially as if they were doing chemistry xD Can't take this serious

  6. In my country , your allowed 4 plants in your own home at any one time if you have your medical marijuana license, , I know how to make high grade Hash oil . It can be very dangerous to do , but if you know what you are doing & keep a careful eye on what your doing it can be very successful & the end product will be smooth as butter & not harsh on you , it’s like breathing in air , no choking , no discomfort in your lungs or throat just smooth as silk & the oil smoothness depends on what strain you use & the mellowness of the high also depends on the strain also . I use no harsh chemicals when doing it & no chemicals that shouldn’t be in your body .

  7. I want to see evidence that it's any better than other hash. Double blind control tests. If people need this its time for conclusive proof. We need real research to change laws. I'm also not convinced rso is any different than other hash that's been decarbed, except that it's dangerous to make which people can do all too easily.

  8. real life heisenberg, i respect this man so much. he took his life in his own hands and is still surviving, god bless you brother. i am growing aswell for my mother.

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