MN Supreme Court: Smell of marijuana alone does not justify search

The Minnesota Supreme Court has upheld the decision of two lower courts, that the smell of marijuana alone did not justify a …


  1. The reason they make such a confusing situation is for the purpose of tax collection. Policy enforcers have no interest in general well being or public safety. Peace is not profitable. . . We need community based compassionate sustainable solutions. Not lawyers getting criminals off because they have financial means. The system is broken beyond repair. The failed war on drugs needs to end. It has caused and continues to create more problems than drugs ever have and ever will. . .

  2. Well, they still can use the smell of alcohol still. and if the court takes that away too, the blue line thugs have hundreds of other pretexual reasons to pull you over and search your vehicle.

  3. I think Michael may be wrong on what they based the decision on. He says that they based the decision on the fact that you can legally possess marijuana for medical purposes. That doesn't make sense as the reason since they're still saying cops can use scent AND something else to search for it. Why would they do that if it's all about it being legal under certain circumstances? I think the real reason is because cops can too easily lie and say "I smell marijuana" with no way for something like this to be verified by the dash cam or others, and this case they looked at is proof of that since the guy didn't even have marijuana but had meth, so obviously the cops lied about smelling it.

  4. In my state they can't do Anything from the smell at all!….They can't even stop Minors from smoking RIGHT in their face!…..because it conflicts with "another" law that states Police cannot contact a minors parental guardians about Marijuana or the Officer will be guilty of a crime themself! Which sounds crazy, but I guess they don't want cops ruining kids lives over a frigging joint, because it affects chances for college and Jobs.

  5. i cant dirve inless im smoken pot.. or crap the stress.. im sorry ..butbweed dont afect ever person the same .. i smoke weed all day ever day for last 30 years. so smoken it or not dpnt matter.. my blood still has THC in it . and id fight it in court that it dont inpar me or get the muchies from it

  6. STOP voting for LYING IDIOTS that make recreational drugs illegal!!!!!! Just STOP already.
    Prohibition made the mafia rich and corrupted this nation. LEARN history already.

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