1. All cops are biased as they wont be getting any quotas made through marijuana arrests and tickets. How about educating yourself before making yourself look silly on the news

  2. this is just a money making industry for the govt i.e. taxes licensing etc, taking the money making away from the corrupt police and useless city councils, meh been smoking for 40 years dont gaf about any laws cuz dont make a diff one way or another for real mfrs

  3. Good luck Buckeyes. I grew up in SW Ohio in the 70's. Weed has been available to anyone that wanted it. Much safer to buy from a legit state inspected and approved dispensary than from the local drug dealer.

  4. Your damn right cops wrong crime will go down cops going lose money passing it lol your job y bust real drugs like coke meth fentanyl we make your job Easy ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ cops loss money jails

  5. Republican's have no case. It is illegal to give to minors and will remain that way. The scare tactics and lies they have used for decades no longer work. We all know that Cannabis is a useful and safe drug. Far safer then alcohol or tobacco.

  6. One thing that I'm curious about is that an individual can grow up to 6 plants, but can only possess 2.5oz. Do the authors of the measure have any idea how much a 6 plant grow can produce, even if it's a low yield grow? There's a disconnect there for me. If anyone knows, I'd like to know how this math is supposed to work cause it's far, far in excess of 2.5oz.

  7. Kids already have access to it legal or not, what is their excuse? Instead of the police Doing everything they can to say NO, why don't they start putting the word out that people shouldn't DUI regardless of what they are consuming? Just explain everything to people, not just ban it just because you say so. These people are power hungry and want to dictate your life, it really is that simple otherwise they would help get this figured out instead of treating everyone as a criminal until proven innocent.

  8. goes to show how ignorant and uneducated our law enforcement can be. would think they would want to stop wasting money enforcing marijuana laws and use that towards actual crimes with victims. maybe use it to fight actual drugs like heroin.

  9. The cop is basing his claims on opinion, not statistical facts. So many states are legal now, all the police have to do is learn from those states how it affects driving.

  10. to that sheriff, drive to a Michigan dispensary, see how many people drive from Ohio to buy in Michigan, they also have a 10 percent tax, if people are willing to drive upwards of 4 hours and pay a 10 percent tax I doubt that a 10 percent tax would turn someone off from going 10 minutes down the road. sad that someone as clueless as him is an officer. wish we had real competency in Ohio.

  11. I consider Ganja a Medicine and not a drug. I am an old Herbalist and Martial Artist and look at drugs as Medicines. I have been sober for 20 years. I like to Fast Ginseng Tea. You need to make Fasting illegal too. Next, let's thug the structure up with crack and smack sales. Then, make Jesus Illegal. Where does it end?

  12. Anti-cannabis people are either willfully ignorant or willfully evil. Theyve either been brainwashed by govt propaganda, or they know the truth and want to destroy lives.

  13. Conservatives regulate everything down to the bedroom! They are autocrats leaning to fashist depending on the issue! Drink you can,t drive, weed you can,t work! Smoke weed at a party and one month later you can lose your job. There are people doing life sentences for weed! Home of the free??

  14. Oh, youโ€™re so afraid of people driving, like theyโ€™re going to cause an accident. Woooo scary. Thatโ€™s total Bullshit and and horrible reason to fear monger. Secondly, the NHTSA published an article in 2015 called Drug and Alcohol Crash Risk by Richard B. Compton and Amy Berning. That article explored the question of what effects, if any, cannabis (and other drugs) have on the likelihood that a driver may be involved in an accident, or โ€œcrash risk.โ€ When adjustments are made for variables such as age, gender, ethnicity, and alcohol concentration in the same test subjects, there was no significant risk associated with cannabis consumption. The other variables, NOT the cannabis, increased the odds of an accident. So officers, your beliefs and concerns are invalid, unwarranted and not supported. Weed isnโ€™t gonna kill anyone, it never has.

  15. The whole drug war is a failed solution marijuana being legalized is a moot point at this juncture in this countries timeline I can go buy a pack of cancer and chase it with a bottle of liver disease but …drugs are bad M,kay!!!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ this failed solution has become the institutions it is so grossly over funded and capitalized the penal system is at 120% capacity because of drugs being illegal there's no room left to house more dangerous criminals ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚crime would reduce overnight by more than half if you could just show ID and just buy the drugs your gonna do any fuckin way …drugs aren't the problem the black market commodity is the problem these failed boomer dinosaur tactics need to be done away with period kinda sad when the politicians the judges prosecutors and police depend on illegal drugs as much as the cartels the smugglers and the dealers ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚and fyi this is the conversation nobody wants to have ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  16. Went to Michigan and there's no way anyone can get through the security at a dispensary without the staff giving you access. The products are 1/3 of the price you pay in the illegal market because of economy of scale. Because of the smaller market for medical cannabis in Ohio the dispensaries here are still higher than the cannibis sold on the street and that's being sold out of homes, cars and street corners where any child has easy access.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  17. My best friend drinks in drive every day. When he done he drive and go get more drunk and the store will sale it easy to him an let him walk right out with the alcohol. In I smoke in drive Iโ€™m on my ps and qs because your buddyโ€™s like try f with people in poor neighborhoods they know who smoke in give a high as ticket for no reason the system need changing it doesnโ€™t work how they try make it work so let the weed bring in joy money! In jobs in peace โ˜ฎ๏ธ. We donโ€™t hate the law but itโ€™s time to change the law in change are way of judging each otherโ€™s. Cincinnati is a small but big city Ohio is small but a big state. Outsiders love Ohio so letโ€™s be the state thatโ€™s doing big things even if we got sale weed I bet you the Ohio lands will fill up now.

  18. Police seem to be independently operated and controlled by whims and opinions of themselves, supervisors, judges, townships, cities, counties, and states! (Police are not educated lawyers, and many of them are without high school diplomas!)… The deputies or police attract abusive sociopaths, psychopaths, perverts, child molesters and narcissists like drugs are to an addict more than any legal profession! Police must pay financial damage from their own pockets for unlawful acts against innocent taxpayers or the policing problem can only exacerbate further hate and demise dishonoring the (For Profit) profession! QUALIFIED IMMUNITY: "Must be ABOLISHED " …!

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