One Movement for Instant Sciatica Pain Relief

Use this tool to help you get the best exercises for your body to help relieve pain, build strength and transform your body: …


  1. I’ve been dealing with some sciatic pain for 30 years, spent a fortune on chiropractic, but latest years, almost no relief for sciatica even with chiropractic, sometimes it makes it worse. Can’t wait to give this a try, I am desperate.

  2. I'm going to try this immediately! I usually have sciatic pain on right side but for about 2 weeks now I'm having sharp stabbing pain in left hip, by bedtime it just hurts all the way across hip to hip! Miserable doesn't begin to describe!

  3. I take this pain but it eventually makes me wanna cut my lef or shoot myself last time it kept waking me up so at 4 in the morning I went for a 1 mile run just to calm the pain down but then it comes back again the next hour it sukks azz

  4. I will try this exercise. I am exhausted with the pain after waking up, so intense I have lay on my stomach on the floor cause the pain is too intense standing up until it loosens up. I will try anything to avoid surgery.

  5. My sciatic started over a period of time, had a job of sitting down too much and minimal exercise. I am also overweight so all these conditions set me up for a kind of pain like a nightmare.
    The day when I had the worst pain that I call a nightmare, I actually saw my chiropractor, got some adjustment done , It was my second week of seeing the chiropractor. Anyways, I wake up next morning and gosh, there is a pain in my lower back, buttock, behind the knee on back side, calf and ankle area. It was a throbbing, shooting and burning pain and I tried to stand up but I had to scream and cry like kids with pain. It sent me to an episode of 12 days straight in a row of staying down on the floor, not being able to sit or stand or move. Going to the toilet was an ordeal and I had to crawl myself to toilet seat. God knows how I did that. None of the medications given by doctors helped. Steroid, pain medication, muscle spasm, nerve blockers, what not… pain was the same. Lying down on one side with loads of cushions and pillows around, being dizzy and drowsy due to medicines, but pain was 100% active. Finally went to ER , may be they can help but they only increased the pain med to further higher kind and level but no use. After two weeks of excruciating pain, i gradually started feeling some relief. My spine doctor recommended me epidural shot and I am scared to death, don’t want to experience the same pain ever again. I am told that it can come again or again and again and no guarantee that it was just once.
    Can’t make my mind what should be my next move, do I go for an epidural and follow physical therapy with it or skip epidural shot. Haven’t been to work yet. Work is what makes pain worst. My MRI shows a 70% protruding disc and pinching nerve. My prayers for all sufferers of sciatic pain out there. I know what you are going through.

  6. Thank you, Young man, My wife is a Type One diabetic and has sciatica and has a godson who is a doctor in the Czech Republic, and a brother who is a retired Castrologic doctor in the Slovak Republic. I have run from the Warsaw Pact army worked and froze in New York and Newark NJ for 39 years! I must be stupid because I did not stay in school to get rich on the old people in my career? What a planet and smart human race to live with!

  7. I’m so grateful that I stumbled upon this video as I’ve been in pain for a few days now. I did this exercise for only about 5 minutes and immediately my pain has lessened. I’ll continue to do it as I don’t want to use meditation as a treatment

  8. I’m not sure what I did to my back but everyone says it’s my sciatica and hurts to bend over lay down even turning my head brings me to my knees but I haven’t been able to find anything that actually takes away the pain and last more then 3 minutes before it comes right back

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