1. Cannabis can be grown outdoors in Minnesota! The plants must be grown in an enclosed, locked space that's not open to public view, whether that's indoors or in a garden.

  2. Disgusting how casual he talks about rules and bans. Oh are we permitted to grow a plant now? But it cant be outside. You'll let go of our hand but keep a leash on us? But thats what we've become. If we cant govern ourselves we need a tyrannical government to keep us in line. The puke left are absolutely the authoritarian fascists and the cucks for the government go right along with it. Govern me harder daddy!

  3. Dems say they care about the environmebnt but legalize weed.They say oh but its natural.The stuff that gets put into it aint and when it goes in the body, it comes out as pollution.They want to ban cows though.🤪

  4. Congratulations on regaining one of your freedoms as American citizens! Still banned at the federal level, in case anyone was wondering who the real criminals are. Not too dissimilar from the era of tobacco company execs lying to congress about addiction and cancer for decades and nothing was done. Corruption is a stubborn beast to slay.

  5. Recreational marijuana is now legal in Minnesota.

    What's the difference between marijuana, recreational marijuana and medical marijuana.

    Since recreational marijuana is now legal in Minnesota, it's probably the money that makes it the difference.

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