The #1 Best Remedy for Inflammation (Autoimmune, Gut, and Arthritis) That You Never Considered

Discover the best remedy for inflammation! DATA: …


  1. Could you please talk about Ankylosing Spondylitis and what is the best treatment. I was told that l have ankylosing Spondylitis and the doctor prescribed adalimumab injection 40 mg fortnightly. I had one injection, l'm worried about this medication and the side effects and l need to know more about this treatment and your advice

  2. If we are intermittent fasting, would taking colostrom stop the fast? Should we only take colostrom during the โ€œeating phase?โ€ Thank you for your amazing content as always! Wish my mom had breast fed me.

  3. Dr. Please my sisterwas ha ha ving gall bladder and we went on you to and get education that she must take one glove crush and crush it and take it with one tea spoon along with oit for five days and she did and she feeding alright but now she is exprencinggastriit and loosing and weight so please help us in

  4. Question, I have inflammation due to Multiple Sclerosis and it results in back pain and muscle and joint stiffness, the problem is with my immune condition I am much more sensitive to foods that contain saturated fats (this would include colostrum). I considering testing it anyway but wonder if you would have any recommendations?

  5. I just started my third month of Wonder Cow colostrum. Haven't noticed a difference. Will reasses after 120 days. Anyone have luck with this brand or others?

  6. I had always read and heard colostrum supps were a waste of time in adults because the adult gut destroys it before it can be absorbed. Colostrum was a hot topic in the early 2000 in the body building world for a little while until they all figured out it wasnโ€™t doing anything. This was where the product โ€œMuscle Milkโ€ came from. Later the product removed colostrum but kept the name, canโ€™t remember why. Body builders were paying top dollar to mothers selling breast milk especially the colostrum days. Whatโ€™s your opinion on the โ€œscienceโ€ that say colostrum as the products are currently being useless as supplement in adults ? Love your videos lots of info.

  7. I understand the benefits of colostrum or European cheeses mentioned in other videos, but any form of dairy causes mucus. Consuming any form of dairy is no different than, let's say, consuming glue. Dairy not only causes a buildup of mucus in the lungs but also inflames the upper respiratory system. Yes, dairy products are controversial, whether they are good or bad. Although more studies have shown that dairy is harmful to the respiratory system. Dairy in any form is one of the worst thing to consume.

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