This Revolutionary Treatment Kills Cancer From the Inside Out

April 19 — Back in the 1970s, Dr. Steve Rosenberg invented a new field of cancer treatment: immunotherapy, the harnessing of the …


  1. There is a study out there more vaccinated people get higher cancer rates than unvaccinated people. Im sure diet, genetics n environment has alot to do with being healthy.

  2. Would this treatment possible for someone with Squamous cell carcinnoma who has had two and now awaiting his third Head & Neck operation? Love to hear from Dr Steve Rosenberg please??

  3. The AMA, CDC and others are milking this and are not caring about the people I am thinking. There are many things present today that are more effective than the present protocol but no one is willing to change the present protocols that are a slow death in most cases.

  4. Living with the stigma of HSV1&2 and not been able to have a healthy relationship was messing up my life until I got some super herbs from Dr Omole on YouTube, I haven't had symptoms for some while now and am planning to get another test done. Am grateful & advise you help yourself also…

  5. A little over two years ago I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, ever since I have been treated with Velcade, and my oncologist said that at the moment their is no known cure for Multiple Myeloma. Has Dr. Rosenthal treated successfully anyone with Multiple myeloma?

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