'Tokelahoma': Red State Becomes Wild West of Weed Where Chinese Nationals Own 75% of the Farms

MUSKOGEE, OK – Since the doors began opening for legalized marijuana, a number of states have joined the movement.


  1. Medical marijuana helps me with my stomach issues. I'm seeing the number one gastroenterologist I in San Diego and they can't figure out what happening to me and alot of other people with the same issue they prescribed medication for me that gave me heart attacks. The only thing that helps to relieve pain and nausea is marijuana period. I can't even eat unless I smoke first to cover my illness.

  2. Cannabis, Again, is not the problem. The problem is criminals! Hey, heres a thought, how about we stop letting criminals into our country. How about we stop selling land to foreign nations who despise the U.S..

  3. I want to see a single state that has not had scores of alcoholism and all that have been negatively impacted by it.

    Don't blame the weed or alcohol. Blame the abusers, and blame the criminals. And above all, blame the law enforcement for failing to go after them. I thought channeling billions into police would solve all the crimes? What happen my Alt-Reich friends?

  4. Muskogee Oklahoma had all these issues before, now they're just taking the form of weed which is providing the scapegoat. Before it was legalized I bet it still had issues with poverty, drugs, child neglect, and illegal immigration. These places are just corrunpt and want to blame weed.

  5. 😅theres a lot wrong in the ok medical MJ market. From an unorganized no oversight government regulator profiteering of growers and distributors, to illicit growers and Chinese infiltrators. Last year I believe there was a huge bust by DEA and sheriffs all over. It used to be illegal for non citizens to own land or real property in the United states. It should be again. I ran a group of crack head producers out of my community. And all it takes most often is for members of the community to be vigilant, and use video technology against them, criminals do not like exposure. There were points where I thought firearm use could have occurred, but thank God it never transpired. Lots of prayer and vigilance. "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." God Bless and keep you.

  6. Here in Michigan we legalized medical marijuana first then we legalized recreational marijuana and it’s been a success. But we don’t have cartel’s and people the Chinese government are sending over in droves, taking over the farmland and abusing the system, as this video says is happening in Oklahoma.

  7. (Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.) I see that using marijuana is only a sin if you abuse it or make it your idol and you have become a glutton for it.

  8. I'm a disabled veteran. The VA had me on fentanyl for 9 years. They also me on over 20 prescriptions back in 2015. I started smoking pot to get off my meds and for pain management and my tbi. I'm off most of them now. I'm living a much better life. Go after Chinese and the Mexican cartels not the potheads.

  9. i worked in Oklahoma for 2 years, some people used weed, others say they don't. but how do we keep letting foreign companies poison us? from underground covid labs, meth labs, and putting poison in the weed. its just frustrating, you guys can catch jim bob with a pound, but you miss the covid lab?

  10. This is a God given plant, folks. Don't continue to be deceived anymore by governments 🙏❤️ They made it illegal because bigfarma would be out of business. Don't believe anything they say "negative" about it. What the problem is is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION being allowed!
    Now the Chinese are a different story….who are the bankers and realtors who are freely selling to the ccp? That's what needs to be figured out!

  11. no doubt the Chinese will be lacing it with dangerous narcotics like Fentanyl to make it super addictive and dangerous, because… China is at war with us

  12. Oh no! How dare the Vets with ptsd use a harmless plant to help themselves! Idiots still quoting that moronic film "Reefer Madness" and dont even know it! "GaTeWaY dRuG" What fearmongering BS!!!

  13. Oklahoma is the state I like the least precisely because of this problem. The entire city of OK smells like weed… and there is a large homeless population. A very fepr3ssing state – even more than Mississippi and Arkansas.

  14. Weed isn’t the reason our kids are a mess.. education system and government control.. needs a reboot . Zero respect in the schools… kick the Chinese out of our country and finally chin check Mexico 🇲🇽

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