ULEZ Expanded To All Of London, Tories Rip-Up Water Pollution Rules | #NovaraLIVE

The ULEZ has been expanded to the whole of great London. Aaron Bastani and Rivkah Brown discuss. Plus: Rachel Reeves …


  1. Living in rural Hampshire I wouldn't support a ULEZ scheme because myself and 2 of 3 children wouldn't be able to get to work, college or the shops without paying what could only be seen as a massive new tax burden on our daily lives.

    And for me, this is the crucial point: infrastructure changes and public investment HAS to come first.

    Tax the polluters eg energy companies and invest directly in AFFORDABLE (or free – I agree with you on this AB) public transport and proper cycle lanes (separated from roads by at least a curb).

    When people have an alternative too good to refuse they don't refuse it!

    ULEZ is a typical Tory policy (it was a Boris Johnson policy first) – putting the responsibility and cost of net zero onto "struggling but hard working families" (I include my family in this description) rather than on the billion $$ industries that have gifted us climate breakdown as the price we pay for their greed.

    We need to get out of our cars for our induvidual & communal health and the planet's health. Any sensible person knows this. But ULEZ isn't the right first step. And I find myself surprised to be saying this.

  2. How can Ulez be good for small businesses and Sole traders an extra 12.50 a day even if it's written off after a year through a tax return is still going to hurt a small traders cash flow. I don't get you at Novara Media you seem to always have a go at the working classes. Why don't you stand up with us?

  3. Isn’t what Rachel Reeves is suggesting called corruption? Isn’t undermining democracy and against public interest? What planet is she on? What sort of Labour party is supporting her? Wake up politicians, you’re paid to work for the public interest not develop yet more ways to line your and your mates’ pockets. When will the milking stop?

  4. Wish I could get paid and not work for 81 days. Suppose that's just another Tory perk. Hope the book does crap. I'm sure I don't need to buy it as the contents will be all over the media. I just hope other people realise this.

  5. Sell the non compliant car to someone outside London (see Autotrader for compliant cars – there are over 70 of them under £3000 today) the £2000 grant goes a long way to finding a Euro6 compliant car. And don't forget it's only a bit under 10% of the population of greater London will be affected.

  6. I don't know which part of Tehran Aaron went to, but trust me, the air pollution in Tehran is BAD. It's on another level. London's air is pristine compared to the smog in Tehran. As an asthmatic, I had to wear a mask for the entire stay in Tehran, whereas in London – yes it gets bad, but at least i can breathe.

  7. 14:47 hybrid and electric vehicles which there is insufficient infrastructure for, yay cant wait for the national grid to collapse and for all the stranded electric broken down vehicles, oh and where is electric made from again 🙄🙄🙄 doomed to fail.

  8. Aaron
    Re: Labour integrating companies /private concerns as described by Rachel Reeves – please look at what is known as the 'buddy scheme' (aka "DIT Strategic Relations Team") currently used by the Conservatives, set up by Lord Green in 2011. An mp has a direct line to multinational companies, their conversations are not mentioned in any register of meetings. It sounds like Labour will continue using this scheme that pretty much nobody in the public sphere talks about or knows about. For more info read

    Guardian – 'Buddy’ scheme to give more multinationals access to ministers – by James Ball and Henry Taylor, 2013

    The Times – Yes, Minister: business chiefs get buddy hotline – 2011

    The BBC – Big firms to get hotline to ministerial 'buddies' – by Victoria King, 2011

    The unit still exists and there should be a list in the public realm as to which mp is connected to which company… the list is still to be uploaded to the DIT Strategic Relations Team page on the .gov website after 8 years, if not more.

  9. At about 40mins in i have to strongly disagree with Rivkah.

    If an unwanted kiss was planted on a male player it is still a sexual assualt !

    That sort of thinking results in lots of men simply accepting sexual assualts that most would agree would be totally out of order if perpetrated against a women .

    Sexual violence against women and girls is clearly a larger problem in our society . But minimising or denying the existence of it against men and boys (and all other people) is not OK.

  10. In relation to farmers and water companies getting paid £400 million to help reduce effluents entering our water ways.

    Why are we paying private profit making companies money to stop doing something they're not supposed to be doing in the first place !?

    Surely we should be fining them until they stop polluting ffs.

    Its like paying a car thief to stop nicking cars . Absolute fucking madness .

  11. 28:35 in my day we used to make private firms send lobbyists to bribe or threaten politicians into abandoning their democratic responsibility for do the bidding of greedy corporations. Now said corporations are openly invited to dictate policy directly!

  12. I'd support ulez coz I'm a fan of breathing but no chance now as local councils are terrified to act. So embarrassed that in France they had a genuine movement to debate the effects on e working class but here we have the daily mail whipping up fake Gilett Juenes!

  13. Although it was an interesting segment – I worry that Novara analysis is not taking a clear enough overview of many issues requiring statistical overviews. In the case of ULEZ in Greater London, where is the source analysis to share? – as it's such a large topic of discussion now I genuinely would like to see what data there is on this. For the 1 in 10 affected – exactly how many people does this effect? And what is the breakdown of those vehicles – in terms of size of car or van, the cost of those vehicles, and if the vehicles are for personal use or business. Additionally, what impact would 130m of scrappage compensation make to those affected? Your viewers should have fewer, not more questions after watching one of your segments, right?

  14. I don't like when they use the abbreviation ULEZ – to say it with David Bowie, it makes it sound "like the brand new dance that they're dancing this year" – whereas if they said it all out in full, it would sound a little odious to be "against the ultra low emission zone" when people are in fact getting sick from all the pollution (and have been for a very long time now).

  15. Worst thing ever for small business trying to get of the ground, I've voted labour all my life, I'm 3rd generation probably 4th generation labour supporter and they have lost me. I've be eco friendly for decades and none of this is designed to make the air better, its going to create more population but as long as its not in London then these idiots think its job done. Look at what ships burn for fuel and how much per day and then come tell me my 90s 1lt petrol engine is the problem. Ulez gives off more methane than bullshite!

  16. I was curious so looked up the ulez reg checker on the tfl website, my wife's yaris hybrid is compatible, my vw golf is not. it's not just the issue of cost of living and lack of gov grants, car makers need to make bare bones electric cars that are affordable, not luxury electric suv's, the issue is one of car snobbery as well.

  17. How many of the new houses will be within the price range of first time buyers? It's not just sewage in the rivers that people need to worry about because houses are still being built in flood risk areas, so people living there are likely to have sewage flowing though their sitting rooms.
    Taxation: I remember when the highest marginal tax rate was 19/6 in the £, and that was under a Tory government. The Labour Party today is far more right wing than the Conservative Party of 50 years ago; we are heading for fascism. Government policy has always been influenced by corporations, but they aren't normally so honest about it. I don't know if that's good or bad, because it's probably the only thing they've been honest about. Perhaps if they are honest about how corrupt they are, it will influence election results.

  18. Another issue is shift workers, so for example a firefighter that travels in from outside London. In thier ulez non compliant vehicle. When they do a night shift they get charged twice as the charge does not cover 24 hours. So they have to pay to drive to work in the evening then they have to pay to drive home in the morning! As the live outside London they get no grants, which are kinda useless anyway. 2k towards an electric vehicle that's probably 30-40k! Ulez is a tax on the working poor, should just be delayed. If so few have non compliant vehicles, what's the point anyway??? The air quality on the underground is far worse for particulates.

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