What tumors eat — and how to poison them | Dr. Christal Sohl | TEDxTulsaCC

Dr. Christal Sohl discusses her cutting-edge research on cancer metabolism using easily understood imagery and metaphors, …


  1. The Dr. in this video probably wont see my question. But in case. When somethings diagnosed as a tumor, isnt it standsrd procedure to determine whether or not its malignant or benine before cutting and removing it? Usually by means of a biopsy?

  2. Most people can not accept that our lifestyle and diets are the main reasons for cancer development. Fasting is a simple idea and solution for controlling the caner but most people just can not stay away from foods.

  3. Dr Omole on YouTube deserves more than praises, because he has saved a lot of souls from sickness and death, thank you Doctor for curing me completely from herpes virus…..

  4. Dr , I know this may be disturbing to hear but by fasting and cutting all carbs you STARVE the cancer cells and they die. The regular cells don’t die and survive on Ketones instead of glucose/ sugar. Many combine this fasting/diet with reduced chemotherapy to treat cancer.
    All those fancy drug therapies can’t do what the body can do naturally when fasting.

  5. I was once an HPV patient, but now I have finally got rid of it with the help of DR ALAHO OLU on YouTube herbal medicine you can also get yourself cured with the help of this same man, his herbal medicine works perfectly, well thanks so much.🌿🌿

  6. Cut out all hidden MSG/Glutamates. Tumors are like little organs that didn't have proper blueprints to have blood vessels to nourish them with nutrients and oxygen. Glutamates nourish tumors with what they need so they can FERMENT and make their own oxygen and grow out of control. Unfortunately 90% of processed and packaged foods on grocery shelves are loaded with many different glutamates/hidden MSGs. In addition to being like Miracle Grow for cancer cells Glutamates also can spike your insulin levels 300% or more contributing to obesity and diabetes. When you learn to look for glutamates in everyday foods you will no longer wonder why there is an obesity and diabetes epidemic.
    Dr. Berg on his channel here has a great video about "Hidden MSG" and there are dozens of them that help populate that 3 inch long list of ingredients you have never heard of. Some examples are MSG, Monosodium GLutimate, Hydrolized Protein, Dextros, Maltodextrin, Cultured Celery Powder, Paprika Extract, Natural flavor an my favorite "Vegetable Broth" which is not like your grandmother used to make. If it gives you a blinding migraine headache and spikes your insulin level 300% It seems criminal to list it as vegetable broth. It is like calling Soy Sauce Soybean Broth or Russian Vodka Potato/Vegetable broth.

    You can be doing everything else right but if you give cancer "Miracle Grow" in the form of Glutamates everyday you are enabling it to grow.

  7. Occasionally we do need trust with a great sense of humour to get things accomplished, l have never been convinced there would be a way to eradicate HSV, thanks for curing me DoctorOrias and putting hope into my life thank you

  8. I came across something that was a study a guy (scientist??) discovered barious ways to breathe could cause sicknesses or cure them. It was interesting. I dont remember where I saw it and wish I could find the info again. I know the Wim Hof Method, the breathing is very specific.

  9. Having HSV type 1&2 wasn’t the end of life for me, I got cured after using DR ALAHO OLU on YouTube Channel herbal supplement. He cures HPV, HIV, FIBROID and MS too.🌱🌱🌱🌱

  10. I have heard intermittent fasting can allow the body to perform repair on damaged dna. Do you think that this could prevent at all the cancerous mutation exerting its effect at all?

  11. My HSV type 2 ruined my marriage life, I was lucky 💃💃💃 to got cured permanently by DR ALAHO OLU on YouTube Channel. He cures HPV and HIV/AIDS, FIBROID, CANCER too………

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