Wisconsin Hearing on AB393 to Remove Kratom Ban

Watch Wisconsin Hearing on Assembly Bill 393: regulating kratom products This would remove the state kratom ban and provide …


  1. I only heard of Kratom when I worked with addicts in a detox in Massachusetts. I am a nurse. I have severe neuropathy in my feet, and knee pain. Although opiates would work for sure, I did not want to go that route. I read several books on Kratom and tried it and what do you know, it helped!! I have been using it routinely now, for pain control. Some people say that Kratom is a mood elevator. And I would have to agree that if chronic pain is better controlled, mood is better. Oh, I was also able to stop drinking, which I was using for anxiety. I hope that vendors of Kratom go through rigorous inspection, so that this wonderful edible plant that helps with pain, mood, focus, energy and anxiety remains not only available, but safe as well.

  2. With fentanyl ravaging my state, I find the behavior of the people who vehemently oppose kratom abhorrent. How can you offer ZERO solution to this epidemic and strike down this plant?


  3. Missy is a baller. Congratulations on reclaiming your life, Missy. If you're reading this. This internet stranger is really, really proud of you. From one kratom mom to another.

  4. Before i used kratom, i suffered from arthritis and Atrial Fibrillation. I started going to the gym at 19, still working out at 64! I use kratom because i wouldn't be able to workout with kratom. I dont believe the cops…no one snorts kratom, well maybe, low iq people are in all groups of people! I never had kratom make me dopey!

  5. After ending years of dr prescribed opiates for chronic low back pain, Iā€™m now a daily user of kratom. It reduces my back pain to a more tolerable level and has enabled me to live a more productive life.
    This needs to be available to everyone(excluding minors) suffering from chronic pain! Keep lobbying!

  6. I can't tell you how pleased I am that Dave Murphy actually tried kratom. Too many lawmakers want to demonize it just because of something someone told them. Thanks to Murphy, Mac Haddow and Jack Henningfield. I appreciate your time and effort.

  7. Wisconsin's got a problem with Republicans extreme "gerrymandering" of Voters, and… Kratom has a problem when The Police LOBBY to make it illegal — Use of BAD Laws as a pretext to stop & harass citizens… All WI Sheriff's associations and Police groups are ANTI- Kratom ? šŸ˜  Go figure… A big Thank You – to all citizens who gave testimony here.

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