🔴Crime Talk LIVE – Alaska Airlines Pilot From HIGH To LOW🔴

Crime Talk LIVE – Ask Scott A Question And Let’s Talk About It! CrimeTalk TV: Welcome to the most …


  1. People like jada pinket smith and i think even 60 minutes had scientists and so called experts and others speaking about the benefits of psychedelics for treatmemt of depression… i would do it but some are desperate or but intobthe sales job…

  2. In family law if you don’t have a lawyer and the other side does you can run up their bill while you’re paying little to nothing. You can get a paralegal to file responses. It’s worked for me. I ran up their bill until they complained and compromised.

  3. No magic mushroom lasts 48 hours. Mental health is probably the issue. But staying up 40 hours is likely to cause hallucinations.
    You are focusing on mushrooms, but I don't think you have researched it or taken it yourself. So you don't know.
    You just heard what this idiot said and jump on the idea "magic mushrooms are bad… mmm kay". Because you already believe that.
    I doubt it. Because a 48 hour mushroom trip product would be well known… since it is so different. It does not exist. The pilot is also uneducated if he believes mushrooms will be effecting your perspectives 2 days later. No that man probably had bad mental issues and was trying mushrooms as a fringe solution. It's not the mushrooms, but the underlying mental issues that he was trying to solve with mushrooms that caused this. Mushrooms will not be a defense, because his use 2 days prior has nothing to do with this. Educated prosecutors will be sure to state the facts correctly: Mushrooms is not an excuse.
    People who claim taking mushrooms 2 days prior has bearing, are fools.

  4. You obviously never had mental health issues Scott… I normally love your attitude but not on this one. They are called "mental health issues" for a reason.

  5. 30 years ago my ex and I hired a lawyer to handle the legal aspects of our divorce and since my ex did not want alimony or child support but rather the money we made together was to be put into a trust for our children and I was to buy the house across the street so I could share the duties of raising our kids. My ex and I were his very 1st family law case and learning our plan he told us he was really going to enjoy doing family law and helping the process
    be streamlined and painless. 1 year later he and I were having a beer and he was venting on out of 18 cases only one lawyer was honest and the spouses only wanted to cause as much pain as possible. He hated family law and developed insomnia for the following year and after his second year of family law a lawyer that defended murder cases hired him as cocounsel because he was very strong with civil rights and constitional law, they won the case and
    for the past 28 years he's done nothing but criminal law and he sleeps like a baby.

  6. Courts will never allow you to be a juror, lol! Are you kidding? 😂 They weed out anyone with half a brain,l let alone a trained legal professional, and as you know one of their first questions is 'has any of you had any kegal training". A yes reply of any level = goodbye! LOL

  7. That is horrifying. It's scary enough flying, wondering about "russian roulette" mechanical failure. We don't need pilots wigging out lol (not funny). My entire life I have always said when things go horribly wrong during commercial flight, "it's never the pilot". I have always had so much respect for the skill and experience of our commercial airline pilots, this guy did a huge disservice to all of their reputations. In addition, now we're all wondering how many more may be medicating themselves through their day to day mundane life even when at work, with all of our lives in their hands. Hmmm? Not good. Yes, he does need to be held accountable to the highest degree of the law. Active mental health issues and DUI with almost 90 people on board? Yeah…

  8. As always I couldn’t watch the live stream because it’s in the middle of the night here in Europe, but I’m streaming it now! Can’t believe this guy wanted the crash that plane because he was having a bad day! All the best from Zurich on the Crime Talk Team!

  9. 0:44: 📅 Scott Rand talks about his Tuesday Night Live program and the fact that he didn't get jury duty.
    6:08: 🔥 A pilot attempted to sabotage a plane by disabling the fire suppression system, putting everyone on board in danger.
    12:56: 💔 Divorce and family law can be messy and hurtful, but it doesn't have to be complicated.
    18:25: 📺 The video discusses the impact of attorneys and the legalization of marijuana on Colorado.
    24:30: 🔍 The defense attorney may ask the prosecutor to extend an offer in a plea deal, which can be reopened for a short window of time.
    30:26: 🔧 The speakers experienced technical difficulties during the show.
    36:49: 💊 The speaker discusses the dangers of overdosing on drugs and the benefits of CBD for pain relief.
    43:23: 📚 The speaker discusses their thoughts on the book and movie adaptation of The Lincoln Lawyer.
    49:10: 🛫 The speaker discusses airports and their locations in Colorado, mentioning some of them are in the mountains and can be scary to fly into.
    54:14: ! The speaker believes that prosecutors' offices should pay the fees of someone who loses a case, as it would make them more selective in the cases they take to trial.
    1:00:58: 🚫 The death penalty was repealed in Colorado without a vote, leading to unintended consequences and the ability for individuals charged with heinous crimes to be granted bond.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  10. Hey Scott – I love your show – you are extremely funny and I find myself laughing during portions of your show and I play back to my wife when she says what's so funny – She watches and listens and says "very unfunny" – but your sarcasm is your best quality of the show not to mention your legal expertise and analysis. I want you to bee my lawyer if I ever need one. You are spot on about the former airline pilot. So many people use over-medication as an excuse and some feel sorry for them – well I hope they get help but not a free pass. Especially the entitled ones – I don't remember thr name of the former football coach at Univ. of So Cal many years ago that got fired for being drunk and treated his players and staff badly. I wrote an article to ESPN – short version – coach gets fired, tries to sue, goes into rehab, writes a book and gets another mlti-million dollar job – the everyone praises him for getting back on his feet!!!!!! BullSHYT – If the average citizen gets drunk – a dui – they lose everything – virturally they will never recover – but if you are well known you will get praised!!!!!! Best Wishes always Scott to you and your loved ones.

  11. I'm sorry Scott but I have to strongly disagree that sending anybody to prison is ever a deterrent. People commit crimes for so many reasons I doubt many think about the consequences in advance. Being unsympathetic to people struggling with mental health issues isn't not being pc it' sad because it can happen to anyone, any time. Hope its never you or yours.

  12. the government was profiting off weed when it was illegal–fines and confiscations and civil asset forfeitures and required "therapy" and all kinds of associated parasites. the war on drugs made a lof ot money.

  13. I have heard that magic mushrooms can be used to reset the brain and help you out of depression but why would he have ever tried them in and around his work? He obvious shouldn't be flying when he can't make good decisions.
    Political correctness has run a muck. I'm sick of it!

  14. Im sick of people using substances as a defense too. Substance use requires respect, responsibility, and knowledge of the substances as well as harm prevention/reduction practices.

  15. Ooooo I'm mad now. This guy was not fixing his mental health issues. He was experimenting with psychicadelic mushrooms. Don't even bring up someone dealing with their mental health issues compared to an idiot like this. You and him are giving this important critical issue a bad name lumping them in the same group as people seriously and correctly dealing with their mental health issues. 😡

  16. That’s the way it goes with Jury Duty selections…
    the people who want it don’t get the job, but the people that don’t, we’ll of course they get the job! 🫤
    The “system” needs an overhaul! IMO 🤨

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