Can You Fly With Marijuana? It’s Complicated

Now Boarding” is a videocast about air travel and the business of flying. CNBC airlines reporter Leslie Josephs and CNBC senior …


  1. I was bartending at an event at the National Archives building in DC one day and as I walk through the metal detector, my bag is going the scanning machine. Security asks me "What unit are you with? Im confused because im not law enforcement. Hes like "There are handcuffs in your bag.." i had to explain to him & his lieutenant that they were for roleplaying purposes with my lady, not for impersonation of a cop 😂

  2. The contents of the amnesty boxes are destroyed… a few ounces at a time. They sometimes roll it in paper to help it burn. They have to closely supervise the burning. They have a special device to destroy marijuana…a hot box.

  3. I flew high on frontier airlines. It really turned flying a no-frills airline into a super comfortable and relaxing experience. I nonchalantly went through security. The boarding process felt like I am waiting in line for a very positive experience and the boarding pass scanner beeped and told by the gate agent to enjoy my flight and everything went North. The seats felt a lot comfier than usual, so comfortable that I have difficulty keeping my eyes open. Every crew voice turned into ASMR, the flight safety briefing helped me dose off, and fell asleep throughout the flight with vaporwave music in the background. Basically, the best flight I ever had. Food for thought, I highly recommend consuming a strain that is low in anxiety, has euphoric effects, has no energetic properties, and induces strong relaxation which I did BTW. If you plan to fly while high, a plane is a plane and you will have an awesome flight whether it's Frontier or Delta.

  4. How do security know that you are flying domestic or international? I'm sure they don't check carry on luggage if weed is allowed on a plane? The xray guys dont check the tickets.

  5. Weed is fine on domestic flights in Canada. Canadians were actually concerned when Air Canada diverted a flight to the USA due to an emergency, and some passengers had cannabis (it is legal domestically).

  6. Failed to be covered by Liberals at CNBC Chick-fil-A seems determined to go down as the next woke corporation that destroyed its brand image like Target or Bud Light. Chick-fil-A seems determined to go down as the next woke corporation that destroyed its brand image like Target or Bud Light.
    The boycott against Bud Light after a partnership with tranny Dylan Mulvaney shows no signs of slowing down.

  7. The amnesty boxes are specifically after the security checkpoint so you can chill in the airport and dispose of it before getting on a plane to a place where it can be an issue.

  8. Now this is solid reporting! Thanks CNBC! I’ve flown w/ cannabis products and as long as you’re discreet and leave it hidden in your luggage until you’re safely at your destination, you should be fine. Just be cool!

  9. The wisest thought that is in everyone's minds today is to invest in different income flows that do not depend on the government, especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in gold, silver and digital currencies (BTC, ETH…. stock,silver and gold)

  10. I have had 5 experiences in the last two years where people have smokes some type of weed device. There is not metallic ways of bringing in weed. I was offered by a neighboring seat holder to do a dab. I did not partake, but no body seamed to care that he was using it freely to other passengers. The flight attendants knew where it was coming from, it’s strong and smoky.. Denver flight for backstory.

  11. 不是我許慈文的專利。B型馬可仕就是小S李麗君就是茱莉亞勞勃ㄗ就是飯島愛就是范琪斐歐陽珊廖家儀邱碧治胡茵夢陳裴娟徐千雲就是方文琳就是賴清德。但是大S是B型張艾嘉就是馬西屏就是黃悅琪就是方文琳就是陳健仁就是調包成A型頭骨內裝著O型我以前自身累世肉身們全屍體的左右兩邊腦髓的右腦髓。B型杜特帝就是伊能靜也是哈林也是秦昊也是張嘉欣。施易男的媽媽許仙姬與另一個跟第二個在三立演戲的第十四世Pepito許仙姬結婚沒有生子的上TV唱歌宣布結婚的節目有被我看到而我崩潰瘋狂大喊FonShan鳳山快逃會沒命快離婚的崩潰本能一直吼叫拍桌子我在我家客廳內看電視時瘋狂崩潰一直叫Pepito長相的PepitoO型邱建一原始O型林慧雰快離婚。而是歌仔戲團馬克仕B型許仙姬謀殺Pepito而且粉碎Pepito全屍體只取出Pepito右腦髓跟O型內臟移植到自身B型身體裡面而歌仔戲團原始A男人種基因改造成Ab陳亞蘭也就是B型杜特蒂就是高大成又把Boa許仙姬吃掉移植許仙姬體內O型腦髓跟A型腦髓而原始B男許仙姬就是馬可仕就是方文琳。B型馬可仕的妻子B女鄭佩芬就是伊能靜就是伊美黛。O型Pepito左腦髓移植到歌仔戲團原始A女黃春櫻就是施易男原始A女型身體就是鄧安寧A型身體的腦髓裡面,而且把民視陳淑貞純A女身體內移植B左腦髓O右腦髓。並且非法把民視A男利菁許仲江的A男非法砍頭並且把民視B男邱建一砍頭與非法把O男何文堯砍頭而且互相調包其無頭顱骨的身體使O男何文堯頭顱骨內裝著B男無頭顱骨身體可是左腦髓是B男可是被調包成A女右腦髓,而且B頭顱陳淑貞接A男身體卻移植B男左腦髓跟A男右腦髓,而且邱建一變O頭顱但是頭顱骨裡面A女左腦髓跟B男右腦髓卻接取A男無頭顱骨的身體。因為左腦髓屬於理智記憶區域,右腦髓屬於情感記憶區域。你們O男身體被調包A男頭顱骨但是頭顱內的左腦髓區域內被反裝著B男右腦髓跟反裝A女左腦髓在O型身體A型頭部但是左右兩腦變成Oba身體男的但是性無能,可是你們妻子卻是O男空的頭顱骨內裝著A男左腦髓跟B女右腦髓跟A型身體內被調包左腦髓。我真是怨恨大S就是O型李宗盛就是米雪就是林思玲就是啞姑九十熊海靈。小S就是假蔣緯國就是陳寶蓮就是齊秦就是A型黃英姑就是吳淡如。李翊君就是撿場就是吳靜嫻就是王瑞德就是方念華就是廖筱君就是蔡康永就是陳囧明就是汪精衛就是曾寶儀就是楊以文就是鄭小芬就是陳村雄就是曹興誠就是Arvi就是曾麗蓉就是曹勵生就是許方羽就是徐千雲就是林宏益就是張哲男而且高大成就是何明容也就是日本天皇夫妻跟愛子。

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