1. After many failed experiments with some other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don't think I would ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I highly recommend for practically any health problem.

  2. I just started last night to take it. The 1000mg after not having my period for 4 months and doing a blood test, my levels are really high and I am afraid of not being able to conceive. I hope it helps me!

  3. I tried CBD for the first time last night while I was having my PMDD days and I'm blown away at how I felt this morning. I felt lighter in my weight, I felt calm and level headed, had a great nights sleep, more optimistic. Ive been battling PMDD for years and I finally feel like I have something that will help me. I did not want to go on antidepressants. I'm researching today about CBD and hormones and came across your video. This gives me so much hope I could cry. I hope more women that deal with female hormone imbalances can learn about CBD. I will be spreading the word. Thank you for your knowledge and advice.

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