Chatter #336 – Butcher of Wall Street: SEC Charges Citadel For Marking Shorts As Long

Marcel Kalinovic, the Butcher of Wall Street, is back on the show to discuss the SEC charging Citadel for marking shorts as longs …


  1. Josh, we are now into the bullshit arena of your credibility.
    The fact that I’ve followed you before you were you and your now saying “I’m so busy to look at things like Stop Trade Holds” and so is David Lauer. Also , Dr. Trimbath won’t answer dick about the topic. She did the same thing when I barked about DRS.
    Being selfish is the problem bro. You’re not the only one.
    But don’t have any comfort about it.
    Pertinacity is a thing bud.
    It appears like you made your choice

  2. Why google greg grenada and gamestop? Nothing to do with amc at all. Boss loves to talk gme and tie amc like the have to do something together. The only tie between amc n gme is boss blunts. Boss is a con artist so is biggums

  3. Boss blunts knows amc loses 135 million minimum every Q. Usually 155m loss.theres no way any talks of dividend js possible. This is all scam hopium or lies to make a bullish thesis on a stock that fucked over retail stealing from them with so much dilution n reverse split to more dilution. Boss blunts talking about short locates is scammer. Dilution is short locates. Diluting is shorts exit liquidy. And adam aron gives shares straight to the shorts.hes the biggestfugazi dealer and has helped adam aron with soooo kuch dilution stock sales he should be criminalized too.

  4. Boss blunts trying to tie citadel or naked shorts to Adam Aron and amc is such a con artist move. The same people boss talks shit about is Adam arons friends lol yes Adam arons does work with citadel,jpm,apollo,mudrick,Citigroup. bossblunts is a con artist

  5. Boss Blunts aka the butcher of Wall Street is incredibly well versed in all things stock market corruption and has been dedicated to this topic for years now. Bro is a force for good. Make sure you guys go on over to his channel. You’re guaranteed to learn something. At this point, we’ve been right on so many things that it’s hard to doubt his thesis.

    It’s a good thing we have resources like this to educate ourselves. Get educated and protect yourselves! 🦍🦍🦍

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