Florida voters to decide on recreational marijuana legalization on 2024 ballot

A constitutional amendment to legalize the recreational use of marijuana could be on the Florida ballot next year. READ: …


  1. Marijuana is an insidious drug . Look up insidious. It causes heart attacks , strokes, mental illness , lung cancer . Do you want children around a bunch of high dopes ? Bus drivers , teachers , just walking around in public smelling this skunk crap
    Smell ? Ban this highly dangerous crap all together . It causes diseases not heal them . Don’t be a sucker

  2. Legalize it ,,The state of Florida is using it as a money crop with their Medical Marijuana circuits / racquet garbage ! People need this and shouldn't be extorted ,,You don't want it or need it fine ,,but just like alcohol ,you can opt out of buying it !!

  3. republican politicians think people deciding on how things should work is a problem. to repub pol's only their owners should decide on the laws of the land.

  4. Let's all take a moment we all know Florida is a great state but let face it Florida would be 10 times better if and when cannabis becomes legalize

  5. WOW put it on the ballot for the people to vote. Well we did that in 2016 and Florida legislature went ape shit over it after it passed medically and it took over a year before anything happened. Also the fee to operate and or grow in Florida is insane. I just want to operate and grow in this industry. Open a grow facility and stop halving to hide what I do already so damn well. The states up north who live in snow can operate and grow but in the tropical perfect climate we cannot. ??

  6. This is a horrible measure! This is nothing but a money grab for big medical Marijuana companies! This is not for the people! We need to be able to grow our own! This measure doesn’t allow that. We need to allow small businesses to participate in this industry. This measure doesn’t allow that either!

  7. Medical marijuana is a ripoff.
    Marijuana has never directly killed anyone.
    It was better & cheaper when it was illegal.
    Stop putting people in jail for having a weed on them.
    Government looks like tyrannical 💩 doing so.

  8. Free the weed. We should all be able to grow and consume it, without government interference and the lawmakers choosing which of their friends (and themselves) get to profit.

  9. Its good for state govt in tax collection….we're talking billions…instead of giving billions to pharmas. People who use cannabis dont get sick….thats bad news for doctors and pharmas.

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