1. These people are just throwing bullshit around and rehashing old cannabis myths that were debunked before the year 2000. They know exactly how many peopl legal cannabis will help, but they’re terrified of the change because of how much money tobacco/alcohol sales will lose, and so many people here in Georgia, if not all of the bible belt, are being blinded by religious bias and these old (debunked) myths.

  2. I have been smoking for 12 years and at no point have I ever been smoking a joint and thought man some crack would go perfect with this. laced weed is the gateway. if it’s legal it’s not laced. and there’s No gateway.

  3. On a serious note… Why is it considered ok to go to the liquor store and buy bottles of alcohol and packs of beer for a party or something and have a horrible headache the next day but someone not bothering anyone can’t go get or grow weed in the privacy of their own home, get high until midnight and still wake up fine around 7 the next day❓

  4. Allow the people to decide on Cannabis. Politicians aren’t the ones that need this medicine. These liars are are the reason nobody believes politicians. I have friends in there 50’s and 60’s that have been smoking Cannabis since high school and have carved out a wonderful life for themselves and their families. Purchasing homes and automobiles ,working jobs and owning businesses . Fully functional healthy people in society. Cannabis is way safer than alcohol and Cannabis is not a drug good people, Cannabis is a flower, a plant a botanical. This herb cures and brings people together. This is the main reason why they don’t want this to be legal. The powers that be only can control us through keeping us apart as Americans and causing confusion plus they don’t care about us they know that Cannabis heals . This will cut into the money they make off of opioids. This is why it’s still legal . Cannabis hasn’t killed anyone.just look at these politicians spewing lies about something they won’t even go and do their own research on . They just run with the talking points. Nobody believes you anymore, can wait for you to retire and allow the new blood to come in to power. This will pass sooner or later, they can’t stay on this planet forever! Keep fighting harder and harder people we are almost there!

  5. We should be able to legalize marijuana here in Georgia. It's crazy how alcohol is legal, but not marijuana. Weed makes you happy, hungry and sleepy. If it's a gateway drug, then so are cigarettes, vapes, and alcohol. Allow us to pass it, we would be so much more loving and caring people. It just goes to show that these ppl against it, have never smoke it. How come other States allow it, but Georgia doesn't if it is a so called gateway drug??? It's just an excuse.

  6. I'm willing to bet all those ghouls who spoke out against it are bought by Big Pharma! I'm a disabled veteran and cannabis saved my life not pharmaceuticals. Enough with the ignorant talking points we know your lying! GOP=Granting Oligarchs Power. Stop Voting for these puppets who don't have any of your interests in mind. Either listen to the people you serve or get on with your life's works elsewhere.

  7. So we should be able to grow are own because why should we trust a lab we don't know what they use to grow it if you ever been to California you should know that the dispensaries are trash and the people who grows their own weed have better weed quality js.

  8. It’s my firm belief that there are lawmakers who are benefiting off of marijuana being criminalized. It’s illegal and yet Georgia has the 5th highest possession rate for marijuana. Crazy.

  9. These people are insane .. I know people that have used Cannabis for years and they are productive citizens and have excelled in life on a ultra high level. As a matter of fact I know some politicians that are very successful and they medicate daily. These people have raised family’s and have kids in college and support whole families including the president of the United States the highest position in the land . This is not a drug this is a flower, a plant, it is a botanical, an Herb if you will. Anyone that thinks Cannabis is a gateway drug is out of touch with reality, this is why the people don’t trust you politicians because information and scientific proof is out about this now and you stand up in front of cameras and lie to the public. I wonder how much it cost to get you to do that. Legalize the plant this is something that grows in nature not something that is made in a lab that is full of chemicals.

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