Getting Cannabis Done Right in New York City

One year after officially lighting up our city’s legal cannabis market, the seeds of growth and equity are sprouting across NYC.


  1. Waiting for the bus now and I am forced to smell marijuana by thugs waiting for the same bus. This is one more reason "vote blue no matter who" has failed New York. Eric Adams must be a one term Mayor. People who smoke marijuana in public should be arrested. BRING BACK THE WAR ON DRUGS!!!! ONE TERM ADAMS ONE TERM ADAMS ONE TERM ADAMS ONE TERM ADAMS ONE TERM ADAMS ONE TERM ADAMS ONE TERM ADAMS!!!!

  2. Did the additional delays help with anything? Let me doubt it… It only provided more time for everyone BUT the cannabis consumers to get "ready". What for? Oh well, maybe it will emerge in a couple generations, if lucky. And please no Canada today: that was little more than a bad joke, one more since 1890, or 1923… Long story! Money is THE poison and politi¢ian$ simply can't let go of it, even In The Name Of Children, so now there's reports of Wax Pen in schoolyards and i ain't developping on our huge catalog of "sanitory" additives, time & space forbids!

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