1. This is what happens when You gave Non Hawaiian blooded people the power to making decisions for HAWAIIAN LANDS!!! Before was bad pakalolo now all of a sudden the state will make millions in tax revenue now it’s ok?? HIPPOCRATIC GOVERNMENT SYSTEM

  2. Haha… I'm not caught up with local news.

    I would assume that Hawai'i (Dole) desperately needs a new cash crop, and there's a very good reason why "weed" is called such in tropical climate countries. Any crop produced in Hawaiian islands can then be exported to the rest of the United States for big tax income for Hawaiian residents, and then the government can hopefully use their new income for better purposes, like increasing the budget for police, public education, etc. Imagine if cops spent more of their time on dangerous activities like drinking and driving than stoners getting so stoned than they're compelled to pay someone else to get them food.

    At the very least, people would be capable of testing its potential for harm on a much wider scale when made publicly legal. Y'all can go crazy in your personal laboratories.

  3. Marijuana doesn’t worsen any drug problems, I’ve used marijuana to get off of other harder drugs and even to quit cigarettes. Alcohol is what worsens the drug problems that you talk about and it takes a lot more lives a year yet it is still legal to purchase alcohol.

  4. As if all these alcoholics are gonna complain now lmbo too much weed ..this state has history with weed and each island has love for it don't act like ita brand new and deadly like fentanyl or liquor which people actually killed in hawaii not one stone death involved..Hawaii would know

  5. This guy has no idea what marijuana does or has done none of what he claims is as bad as alcohol or even is documented smh they gonna lose power if this goes through that's what he's afraid of

  6. It works on the continent. Hawaii has always been a Marijuana Producer. Now the industry will be regulated. Increase tax revenue. Who says that people can't grow their own pot which they already do. People that think Marijuana is not being sold in HI are in denial. Look at Operation Green Harvest for many years.

  7. What's the black market bs? The black market being uncle or auntie's back yard? You gotta pay money for it instead of growing what you want? Regulate and tax it? Don't sound like a good deal to me! There are a lot of bad drugs out there on the "black market".Should we legalize them too? Leave it alone!

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