Health experts warn of risks with taking melatonin

Many people who have trouble sleeping use melatonin, but this solution carries risks of its own. Ross McLaughlin reports.


  1. I take anywhere from 20mg – 30mg every night for the last year and have no side effects other than losing weight. In Jan 2023 I was at 287lbs and now Oct 16 234lbs. Had a full physical at the doctor's office and they found nothing wrong but won't admit its the Melatonin that has assist me in losing weight and I have not changed my diet or calorie intake. I'm a male at 52 years of age and the weight is dropping slowly thus no loose skin to worry about. I do wake up super hungry but other than that Melatonin helps me sleep at least 6 – 7 hours a night.

  2. I take only 1mg a night "as a supplement" only. I think the 1mg might be too much. Id rather take 300-600mcg a day just to boost up my natural Melatonin that my body makes. Course its not making enough so i have to supplement. Melatonin is not a sleep aid its a "supplement" I dont recommend taking 10mg at once unless you want to put yourself in a terrifying bout of sleep paralysis. If only 3mg puts me in sleep paralysis then 10mg would probably do much worse.

  3. Meh, it didn't do anything for me. O struggled real hard to fall asleep one night. I took 5 mg of pure melationing and nothing, i was awake entire night and entire next day…. I don't know, maybe i should try again

  4. They didn't even touch on the nightmares that it will give you I didn't know anything about it and I only took a milligram of melatonin and let me tell you something there was some very vicious vibrant nightmares

  5. I have short periods when I struggle to fall asleep, then I’d take melatonin. I found that gummies work the best, with up to 5mg dose (190lbs male). I once bought pills 10 mg from a popular brand mixed with short and long release, they make me feel horrible the next day. Drowsy, dizzy, sleepy, anxious, plus a horrible headache. Every single time so that must be caused by those pills. Be careful folks, titration is key, get to know the brand, melatonin is different from every manufacturer despite what they say.

  6. I take close to 110 mg a night, yes 110 not 10 and it is part of my sleeping stack which include GABA and insositol among others. Does it make me sleepy the next day? Nope. Have I noticed any adverse effects? Nope. Lol at you shouldn't drive while on it. Give me a freaking break!

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