High expectations: Campaign funding fight fuels push to legalize recreational marijuana in Florida

As the push to legalize recreational marijuana grows, I-Team Investigator Kylie McGivern found millions of dollars being pumped …


  1. The woman who’s daughter in recovery doesn’t realize the actual size of the underground market, or the fact that they don’t check IDs for age. She’s under the false belief that if it’s not legal it’s not available.
    Marijuana is not addictive , harmful for adult use, and not this woman’s problem, it’s the street dealers who will sell her daughter the bad, addictive drugs regardless of age. Like alcohol prohibition, the only to drive out a harmful underground market, is to legalize and out compete it with price and product.

  2. its a fucking plant ! NO ONE on this earth has the right to say you can not own or use a plant!!
    the only reason weed is illegal is because of private prisons and big pharma who get billions of dollars with weed being illegal !

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