1. The second you mentioned the ex-Mormon thing, the exact nature of the weird vibes just came into sharp focus.

    We already know the church predisposes people to be good little MLM cultists, and the sexual abuse scandals…I have to wonder what part it played in screwing with this guy’s and his son’s head.

  2. I’m not allowed to get Top Surgery because it’s against “god’s design” or whatever but this guy getting the mega penis electro blast is fine I guess?

  3. I used to be self conscious about the fact that I have to take so many pills (three mood stabilizers, an ssri, an anxiolytic, and adderall) but honestly as long as I don’t have a whole room dedicated to pills I’m doing great

  4. Guys like this make me so mad. My dad has been avoiding a knee surgery he has needed for 10+ years because they only last 15 years. He can only afford it once so he is waiting until the knee replacement has a chance to outlast him.

  5. The thing is…. I get wanting to “age gracefully” or “reverse age” and whatnot but like… why do you need to dedicate your life to it? Like you will age regardless… your birthday will come and one day you’ll be 60 or 80 or 100 and one way or another you will look like it too

  6. I feel like they could make a movie based on this guys just kidnapping 20 years olds for there blood that’s probably already a vampire movie plot

  7. 5:25 – Sir, Metformin is not taken off label for "longevity purposes." It's taken off label for weight loss. I spent the week I was prescribed it (off label…for weight loss) throwing up almost daily because of the nausea. How the hell that's supposed to make someone live longer, I have no idea. A friend actually sent me pictures of this guy not too long ago and we came to the conclusion that he's 100% just finding rich guy excuses for his extreme orthorexia. Like, he does not look good. He looks OLDER than he actually is AND a Bond villain. Love that for him.

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