Is Puresport a con?

Over the last year I so I no longer get asked whether I think that CBD has a benefit for runners on my social media but more just …


  1. Appreciate the honest and unbiased review. I like the fact that you gave an opinion about the company, your relationship with them and the products without bashing them. I recently discovered Puresport by going their run meet ups which are really great and highly recommend. ..but I was a little sceptical about some of their products. I haven't tried any yet…but was planning on using the balm. I totally agree with you about the cost of the products. The only thing I can say to people is to educate yourself, see what else is out on the market, don't be afraid to try it – but also, don't be swayed by sexy marketing .

  2. Excellent video – both from the experience of the product, but also interesting to hear how the commercial/marketing side of things work! Kudos to you for not getting sucked into the process.
    I've tried CBD oil tablets for after races and long runs. They do seem to have reduced the 'twitchyness' that I get in my legs that make me restless and disturbs sleep. But I also think they make me a little 'heavy' feeling during runs in the day or two afterwards. So I now only use it when I know I'll be having a few days recovery anyway. I just picked up the 10mg tablets from H&B – none of this fancy overpriced stuff pushed by insta influencers!

  3. Great honest video thank you! Ive recently discovered CBD as an aid to help sleep. As a night worker i dont have a regular sleep routine and found CBD to be a God send for my nights off!

  4. I’ve been a puresport customer for around 15 months following YouTube recommendations, purchased a variety of products. I’ve had calf issues, cramps and other niggles a while back and liked the freeze roll in particular. I’ve questioned on my last 2 bottles if there is actually 50 ml, are there any people out there who feel the same? It’s used very sparingly maybe once or twice per week it’s gone in no time. I’m not in a rush to buy anymore. 😢

  5. I tired the balm as well and agree totally with Gary. Next time I plan to buy a cheap pot of tiger balm as it smells exactly the same and does the same thing for £5-7 a pot!

  6. Hi Gary,

    Thank you for your honest review of our products. We are sorry that you did not experience the same benefits so many of our customers do.

    Individual responses can vary and there are many factors that can influence this. We are extremely proud to receive over 2000 verified Trustpilot reviews from customers, 90% of which are 5-star, supporting the efficacy and effectiveness of our products.


    The Puresport Team

  7. We need more of these!! No nonsense reviews of really popular ‘running community’ products. Next up… Pillar Magnesium?? I haven’t found one person who didn’t notice a sleep improvement with the stuff. Personally, I noticed a real improvement in sleep quality and it showed on my Garmin too.

  8. Really great to see your honest and open take on these products Gary. Some pretty heavy marketing with some of these things but I totally agree money is likely better spent on good quality food nutrition. Honesty and integrity goes a long way mate 👌🏻👏🏻

  9. Great video. As usual. I've used CBD for IDB and it may have helped a bit but no way even came close to what the doctors put me on. The lesson I learned from this is, if you have a serious problem maybe the holistic meds won't cut it.

  10. I've found since taking magnesium at night my sleep has improved.

    Unfortunately i think some people tend to stick to routine of rubbing stuff like this in their legs if they have more to lose, and they define more to lose by how much cash so spend more on a product makes you more likely to use it because you have more cash to lose.

  11. There CBD oil is absolutely crap/ I ended up asking for a refund. Horrible side effects too. I have tried the oil but only thought it had a slight calming affect via the essential oil but no pain relief. I think there's too much grifting with CBD. Good to see your review

  12. Tried CBD for sleep. Helped a little, but then a switched to a £7 sleep mask which really I improved my sleep 😴 by keeping everything dark. Great straight up review 👍

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