Lauren Boebert Caught Groping and Vaping In Public Theater & Couple Caught Having S*x On Plane?!

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  1. Gross story, but in a flight to Hawaii, my baby got explosive diarrhea while we were sleeping. We woke up to it all over us and down the seats and into the aisle. It was a nightmare and we made the bathroom a mess too, sorry! It was all in the cracks of the seats 🤮 Props to the flight attendant in first class who came to help. Everyone had their heads in the shirts. Worst flight ever.

  2. Hey Kendall Janelle Sydney Karrelly!

    I was in tears laughing at the airplane horror stories this morning and decided I had to tell my fiancé. We both have times when we need to go, like we need to go lolololol I brought up the “code delta” and he looks at me dead serious. “Have I never told you about my explosion on the plane.” Of course I had to know… apparently upon take off as the plane was picking up speed the feeling hit. The stabbing sharp pain like I’m going to shit he needed the bathroom. Well the plane wasn’t even in the air yet but he was sitting next to a pilot ((one who was flying to another city for his plane)) Absolutely mortified to ask and even be flagged for getting up and running to the bathroom, he asked the pilot what he should do. Would he get in trouble because he can’t hold it… the off duty pilot said wait till we’re in the air for a minute or two then run to the bathroom. Well he did and was literally shitting his brains out sideways because the plane was acsending. Now think about that horrible feeling on take up in the bathroom… just shitting his brains out😂😂😂. Needless to say I hope you girls get a good laugh because I for sure just did hearing he had a close call 😂😂

  3. I had a huge fibroid a year ago I had to get surgically removed but prior to surgery I was bleeding so heavy that any padding would leak right away… I bled through and had to walk through the airport trying to find pants… mind you I had brought extra pants with me and had to change already…worst time of my life.. on top I had my you d 8 year old daughter.. I wanted to cry I was sweating so much from embarrassment… 🫣😭😭😭

  4. I've been to The Buell many times, and the audacity of vaping in there 😂 it's so wide open, and like girl go to the bathroom or outside? It takes like 2 minutes to get outside from inside the theater

  5. LOL, again, i mentioned this in another video and someone else did here too, lauren boebert does not represent Colorado springs, she represents pueblo and areas west, district 3. Look it up get it right!!!

  6. I can't believe you guys didn't bring up that Lauren Bobert is a GRANDMA at only 36-years-old! Her mom had her as a teen too, so her mom is a Great Grandma already at 54. She acts proud that her 17-year-old knocked up a 15-year-old, a girl not even old enough to drive or work. Unsurprisingly she is against sex education in schools and wants "abstinence only" programs. Which clearly didn't work for the last 3 generations in her family. She's "pro-life" but vapes in front of pregnant women and doesn't want kids educated about things that will affect them for the entirity of their lives.

  7. In high school 2 boys got in a fight, one got knocked out and 💩 his pants (it actually came out his shorts)! I felt so bad for him that I cried, even though I didn’t personally know him. He came to school the very next day- I would have changed schools!!!

  8. I feel old, Beetlejuice came out in 1988. Starring Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis. Alec and Gina die and are trapped in a house and they ask Beetlejuice for help. But he’s evil and wants to marry the new people that bought the house …daughter played by Winona Ryder.

  9. Love you guys so much, big fan, but the views you guys have about Burning Man JUST because of the sensationalized media circuit from this year's event alone seemed so bias! You have to look into the bigger picture, this year was wayyyyy overblown by the media

    Burning Man is wonderful! The influencer type, luxurious glamping, money-forward Burners and camps only account for like 10 percent of the event and its attendees! Most of the people that go to BM are super hard working and dedicated people from all around the world that bring beautiful massive art pieces, stages, performances, bars, camps, etc to the playa just to share them temporarily in the desert, and they ask for nothing in return! It's the most beautiful and humbling experience. ❤ it doesn't go without its hardships though, that's for sure! I've experienced some horrific things at the burn, but also the most beautiful as well 💜But unfortunately the media blew it wayyyyy out of proportion this year! 😂 trust me, I've been multiple times, and I've seen it all! It's a crazy and wonderful place

  10. It is really disappointing to see your coverage of what you thought Burning man was like. I wish you would have spoken to an actual burner. I expected more from Kendal who usually does a lot of research on everything she reports on.

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