Living with 4,000 Seizures Every Day (And Still Finding Joy)

Chase has around 4000 seizures every day due to a mutation of the PGAP3 gene. Chase’s family wants others to know that …


  1. I just thought of something I wanted to point out! In this interview I asked Chase "what should somebody do if they want to be your friend?" and he responded "Lightbulb!" At first I thought he was perseverating on the lightbulbs, but after a few seconds I realized he was answering my question. This reminded me it's always important to be fully in the moment and listen to those around me.

  2. Sorry, not buying that medical cannabis is unavailable virtually everywhere under these circumstances.
    We’ve treated children in our medical practice under similar circumstances for many years—long before Michigan laws were loosened to allow even recreational marijuana on demand (like many states).
    But even in the most restrictive times we were able to work with parents and, in conjunction with a second medical provider (usually the pediatrician) all of our juvenile patients in need were serviced.
    Parents just needed to follow the proper legal path. Amazing how many failed to do anything once they knew it would take a hit of work on their part!

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