Major Investment Firm Freezes Redemptions as Investors Are Desperate to Get Out

MyMD Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:MYMD) Atlas Financial …


  1. MyMD Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:MYMD)

    Atlas Financial Advisors, Inc. (AFA) is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Sponsorship does not influence AFA to recommend products or services issued by MyMD Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:MYMD) to current or prospective clients.

    Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

    This endorsement was provided for compensation, this included a formal agreement between Steven Van Metre and Outside The Box Capital Inc. for a one-time fee of $6,500 for one placement to provide coverage on 10/3/2023 for MyMD Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:MYMD). AFA is independent of, unaffiliated with, and holds no endorsements for MyMD Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:MYMD).

  2. 0:07: 📉 A major investment firm is freezing redemptions as global demand is crashing down.
    4:14: 💸 Consumer confidence is declining, leading to reduced spending and a decrease in new orders.
    7:40: 💼 Commercial real estate office towers in the U.S. are facing a significant crisis, with banks expected to lose billions and small and mid-sized regional banks becoming insolvent.
    11:06: 💰 Investors want out of Blackstone's real estate trust as interest rates rise and a commercial real estate crisis continues.
    14:28: 📈 MD-1 has the potential to transform the treatment of TNF alpha-based diseases and their stock is showing a promising setup.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  3. Man… a pharma company with their flagship product in phase 2 is kind of dogs*it. Perhaps if mymd had a ton of money there would be less of downside, but if that were the case this guy wouldn't be asking for your money.

  4. Fox News is promoting an imposter Bond King! You should sue for trademark infringement: "DoubleLine Capital CEO Jeffrey Gundlach – better known as "The Bond King""

  5. Stores are packed with people shopping. The people are old and new and they have old money that stinks and new money that cuts your fingers. They are all shopping !!! Happy holidays !!!

  6. Big jump in disabilities 16 to 64 year olds. Increase started in the second half of 2021.
    These are working age adults that are no longer working that’s why the job market remains strong those people need to be replaced.
    Steve put the 16 to 64 year old disabilities fed chart up

  7. every major city has homeless camps with thousands of people and they are bringing in 6000 migrants daily the fat lady is singing and the greatest depression will start in earnest by 2024 and run through at least 2030 jobs will be lost by the millions houses foreclosed by the millions and violence will be off the scale

  8. The idea that a black swan couldn't exist was a term used like "as rare as hen's teeth".
    Until they found black swans in Australia……
    This is going to be more like a flock of "black swans"😂
    Your time and emotions are energy. How can you give away your time to an "IOU" which everybody calls "money"?
    They print it from nothing so it's not actually worth anything…
    All controlling entities will be removed, this includes banks and controlling governments and all sorts…. nothing will remain hidden…
    Welcome to the new earth folks!

  9. took 11 minutes to get to who it was. is blocking redemptions legal? or did they update their TOS every month. i get nervous about money market funds. when the fed signals a pivot mid next year, i wonder if you'll see these funds doing similar things. 13 trillion has gone into these funds in 23, i believe. if 13 trillion tries to get out at the same time – woah.

    that's what keeps me up at night.

  10. No cuts higher for longer no more free money for people to levrage up and trade stocks. 8% is naturaluzed normal. Stop whinnig about them needing to cut. Do you want stagflation. Milk 6 dollars a gallon forever?

  11. Watch the stock market rise tomorrow because this is all guessing BS. Nobody can predict exactly when the crash will happen. I truly understand the meaning of fear porn now.

  12. What the f**k is wrong with people. Why do they trust companies like Blackstone ? Don't they read the contract details about redemptions ? I'm sure it's above the law !

  13. I like Steven but…. Why does he start a video talking about the market is going to crash but buy a speculative stock he is paid to add a tag for. Once again I like him but WTH!

  14. Holy hell had a bit of investments still in the market and Lost a good chunk I recommend withdrawing everything or holding everything you have this is not a joke

  15. A little bit sensationalist on BREIT situation. This is not new nor specific to Blackstone. All institutional core RE funds have a current backlog and this semi-liquid state is not out of expectation. Banks being subject to managers walking away from loans is a real deal.

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